Browsing by Keywords економічна ситуація

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Creative management as a modern tool for improving the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises in international area Kotenko, Oleksandr Ivanovych; Kotenko, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Conference Papers 393885094 584233006
2018 Decentralization in Ukraine Burnakova, V.Y. Conference Papers 23794889 424499682
2018 Economic crisis in Ukraine and some ways to overcome it Nikolaev, S. Conference Papers -1697866461 -366857223
2016 Feed-in tariff like an incentive instrument to enlarge renewable energy using by households Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Us, Y. Conference Papers -2076732923 2091735627
2014 Heat pump energy in the energy and environmental security in the economic development of Ukraine Gromova, O.; Getman, O.; Markova, T. Conference Papers -1098089714 -1240371199
2021 Peculiarities of monetary forms used by the state in the context of social transformation Starynskyi, Mykola Volodymyrovych; Zavalna, Zh.V. Book chapter 38 48
2022 Вплив війни в Україні на світову економіку: огляд зарубіжних медіа Vashyst, Kateryna Mykolaivna; Azimova, Olena Oleksandrivna; Хантер, Л. Article -1856916177 1808015393
2015 Дослідження уподобань населення щодо купівлі товарів вітчизняного виробництва Макаренко, Є.В. Conference Papers 4752916 799628