Browsing by Keywords Czech Republic

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Competitiveness and Innovations in Foreign Trade: a Case of Apples from Slovakia to Czechia Brodnanova, R.; Rovny, P.; Moroz, S. Article 172135540 95410180
2018 Consumer behaviour at alcoholic beverages markets of Chech Republic and Slovakia: targeting consumer segments Sugrova, M.; Nagyova, L.; Hazuchova, N.; Stavkova, J. Article -1443517447 -1158773642
2020 Czech Students’ Perceptions of Ethical Behavior in Business and Entrepreneurship Barber III, D.; Batchelor, J.H.; Hatten, T.; Gibson, S.G.; Rolínek, L. Article -1623472773 -1298104292
2018 Declining trend in the willingness of young people to go into business Breckova, P. Article 797955902 518354542
2016 Economic performance and convergence in the Eurozone Hájek, Ja.; Hoeschle, F.; Bilan, Yu.; Strielkowski, W. Article 619619803 1866308517
2020 Innovations in Workforce Management: Challenges in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Safrankova, J.M.; Sikyr, M.; Skypalova, R. Article 649025134 -233506972
2021 The Interdependency Between a Family Company’s Name and a Family Name Tomaskova, A.; Smietanski, R.; Halouzka, M. Article 227628730 357856396
2017 Local gastronomy as a prerequisite of food tourism development in the Czech Republic Kiráľová, A.; Hamarneh, I. Article 40992468 1295103343
2019 Management and Diversity Management in SMEs in The Czech Republic Safrankova, J.M.; Sikyr, M. Article -1991248923 779773717
2016 Market segmentation and eliciting tourists’ motives for visiting the Czech Republic Valentova, J.; Abrham, J. Article 185660988 108371318
2017 SMEs' innovation approach in the Czech Republic Breckova, P. Article 4029550 4231698
2004 Розвиток банківського сектора Чеської республіки напередодні вступу до ЄС: уроки до України Паценко, О.Ю. Article 15960280 29362586
2024 Чехословаччина в період президенства Т. Масарика, 1918–1935 рр. Мірошниченко, А.В. Bachelous Paper 83 87