Browsing by Keywords Magnetic nanoparticles

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Magneto-Optical Characterization of Binding Ability of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Solution Watarai, H. Conference Papers 502243634 1017729422
2012 Microwave Absorbing by Conducting Hybrid Nanocomposites Based on Magnetite Nanoparticles Petrychuk, M.V.; Noskov, Yu.; Pud, S.A.; Kovalenko, V.F.; Pud, A.A. Conference Papers 157579497 115850692
2013 Structural Properties of the Nanocrystallized Magnetite of Different Syntheses Kuznetsov, V.N.; Stanislavov, A.S.; Danilchenko, S.N.; Kalinkevich, O.V.; Kalinkevich, A.N.; Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych Conference Papers 1157351102 1355770318
2015 The Results of Research of Magnetic Fluid Nanoparticles by Microscopy and X-ray Methods Storozhenko, A.M.; Shabanova, I.A.; Tantsyura, A.O. Article 8693720 13108242
2012 The Role of Interactions in Systems of Single Domain Ferrimagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Dutz, Silvio; Hergt, Rudolf Article 1381318774 -1342893604
2004 Thermal decay of the magnetization in two-dimensional nanoparticle ensembles Trohidou, K.N.; Denysov, Stanislav Ivanovych; Liutyi, Taras Volodymyrovych Article 200593506 278776515
2015 Сравнение способов получения сферических наночастиц магнетита в полисахаридных оболочках Станиславов, А.С.; Яновская, А.А.; Кузнецов, В.Н.; Суходуб, Л.Б.; Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych Article -2015891601 292714332