Browsing by Keywords английский язык

Showing results 1 to 20 of 191
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 An American Fail: Reflections of a U.S. Man Abroad Quam, Ph. Conference Papers 38068699 21660301
2017 Blended Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages in the EFL Classroom Krasulia, Alla Viktorivna Conference Papers 833743548 1362889661
2018 Building communication skills in German and French on the basis of business English Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna; Otroshchenko, Larysa Stepanivna; Skarlupina, Yuliia Anatoliivna Schoolbook 2137487388 -524951388
2021 Contrastive Stylistics and Grammar of English and Ukrainian Baranova, Svitlana Volodymyrivna Learning Object -1902802122 -1039141029
2016 Conversion in modern English Kovalenko, A. Conference Papers 1004839889 922495773
2020 Cramming for ZNO in English. Enhance Your Reading Skills Hnapovska, Liudmyla Vadymivna; Turchyna, Tamara Vasylivna Schoolbook -626670623 536746995
2020 Cross-Cultural Communication Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna; Podolkova, Svitlana Vitaliivna Schoolbook -1624544276 1120921392
2015 Cинергетичний аспект дослідження англомовних прислів’їв Ovsianko, Olena Leonidivna Conference Papers 1243691464 1131089897
2020 English for Sports Studies Liashenko, Iryna Volodymyrivna Schoolbook -1141038915 1344244489
2015 Euphemisms in our life Kurochkina, Viktoriia Semenivna Conference Papers 973851527 540022630
2014 Explicit and implicit means of negation in the english language Natayou, Rosyane Florine Conference Papers -223914828 1869642529
2016 Foreign language is your chance to success Borschenko, A. Conference Papers -1361856984 878237462
2016 Funktioning of the Noun Form (with an Article or without it) in the English Language Molchanova, О.M.; Yashchuk, P.A. Conference Papers 705909907 -1624202683
2015 Genre and stylistic features of modern English discourse of fantasy Nazarenko, Olena Viacheslavivna; Kadurina, V. Conference Papers 1861097663 -1683305232
2017 In the World of Mass Media Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna; Nefedchenko, Oksana Illivna Schoolbook -787287204 -546059216
2021 In the World of Mass Media and Cross-Cultural Communication Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna; Podolkova, Svitlana Vitaliivna; Nefedchenko, Oksana Illivna Schoolbook -1787030500 1683425496
2020 Introduction to Theoretical Phonetics of English Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna Schoolbook 47936969 -1384231790
2015 It career Liubyvy, Y.O. Conference Papers 15037427 15609717
2017 Learnability and Issues Mysak, I.I. Conference Papers -1631584139 1349955011
2023 Make teaching english easier with ChatGPT Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna; Donik, I. Conference Papers -276203748 -1042535823