Browsing by Keywords міжкультурна комунікація

Showing results 1 to 20 of 68
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Festival as a form of intercultural communication: analysis of the Yoruba (Yooba) culture Cherniakova, Alina Viktorivna; Success, O. Conference Papers 25 27
2021 The importance of intercultural communication Zaitseva, Stanislava Stanislavivna; Ojo, O.J.; Edward, E.D. Conference Papers 623179276 1225669054
2023 The importance of intercultural communication in the process of learning foreign languages Brovkina, Oksana Volodymyrivna; Rakitina, O.V. Conference Papers 38087424 92227168
2021 The Influence of Intercultural Management Factors as Elements of Management Innovation Gallo, P.; Balogova, B.; Mihalcova, B. Article -64912198 -1436491228
2021 The influence of language stereotypes on intercultural communication Massum, Eric Elias; Zaitseva, Stanislava Stanislavivna Conference Papers 597395331 477444032
2022 Intercultural communication: studying the ukrainian language by foreign students, its importance for intercultural relations Zaitseva, Stanislava Stanislavivna; Adebisi, Victor Adeseye Conference Papers -1052613680 556855927
2015 Interkulturelle kommunikation und linguistik Shchyglo, Larysa Volodymyrivna; Ozkan, A. Conference Papers -1953699930 1583318646
2009 Language and intercultural communication Turchyna, Tamara Vasylivna Article -1291499121 2136736625
2016 Means of cross-cultural communication in globalized world Nesterenko, I.A. Conference Papers 22087258 19622195
2022 Peculiarities of intercultural communication: value-cognitive basics Boiko, Olha Petrivna; Otroshchenko, Larysa Stepanivna; Zhylenko, O. Book chapter 395 298
2023 The role of proverbs in developing students’ communicative and cultural competence Carvalho, K.S.; Ovsianko, Olena Leonidivna Conference Papers 728 413
2016 The concept of inter-cultural communication in globalized world Neverova, S.A. Conference Papers 35324807 36595631
2012 The importance of being earnest – the importance of understanding British and Americans Khalezova, L. Conference Papers 655989 600710
2015 To the problem engineering students' intercultural EFL communication Mantina, A.Y. Conference Papers 280880370 428348352
2024 United by the international language bridge activity: Ukrainian-English intercultural dialogue Levenok, Inna Serhiivna; Oshkoder, A. Conference Papers 11 16
2008 Апробація соціокультурного компоненту спеціального курсу підготовки майбутніх аграріїв до реалізації міжнародних фахових програм Liashenko, Iryna Volodymyrivna Article 493473 786606
2020 Базові функції перекладознавства Полежай, А.І. Conference Papers 230178 531778
2022 Бар’єри в міжкультурній комунікації Ракітіна, О.В. Conference Papers 705842861 1346173560
2010 Взаимосвязь языков и культур в сфере деловых отношений Skarlupina, Yuliia Anatoliivna Article 737905 1867489
2018 Вплив культурних контекстів на міжкультурну комунікацію Колінько, М. Article -1264232698 -240687403