Browsing by Keywords природные ресурсы

Showing results 1 to 20 of 95
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Alternative energy sources Bosenko, V.S. Conference Papers 307881048 -843012481
2016 Decentralization of the natural resources governance Golyan, V.; Sakal, O.; Kalenska, O. Conference Papers 190933815 -2102804113
2017 Economic indicators of sustainable development Pietukhova, A. Conference Papers 1968100136 28141536
2016 Economics and enviromental protection in the industrial region Rozdobudko, E.; Rozdobudko, P. Conference Papers 26478082 41423585
2016 Economy and ecology: interaction mechanism Kamushkov, O. Conference Papers 116757640 50162439
2013 Ecosystem of relationship humanity and natural Rahmonov, Buzurgjamil Conference Papers 16617515 17841819
2017 The effects of the management of natural energy resources in the European Union Voronenko, Viacheslav Ihorovych; Kovalov, Bohdan Leonidovych; Horobchenko, Denys Volodymyrovych; Hrytsenko, Pavlo Valeriiovych Article -47644931 -740451395
2015 Evaluation of the coefficient accounting of assimilative properties of natural zones of Ukraine for the differentiation of rates of ecological rent tax Suhina, O. Conference Papers 13083753 20647647
2022 Goals of sustainable development as the key to the future of the planet Drozd, S. Conference Papers 13995 11273
2014 Green economy as a solution of ecological problems Romashko, A.S. Conference Papers 132974942 78563947
2014 Green economy as factor of positive transformation ukraine's development Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna; Chasnyk, Olena Mykolaivna; Chasnyk, Y. Conference Papers -1864946264 757180466
2016 Kyiv environmental safety financing: problems and ways of their overcoming Obikhod, A.; Omelchenko, A.; Illiashenko, I. Conference Papers 1678509798 -1949075565
2013 Main economic benefits of ecological management Kushnyrova, V. Conference Papers 15600161 16058074
2014 Strategic priorities of environmental policy in the republic of Moldova Chortok, Yuliia Volodymyrivna; Soloniuc, E. Conference Papers 1999023447 -740974932
2014 Sustainable development in Zambia: experiences and ways forward Chisakula, A. Conference Papers -1633944878 1200674593
2013 The current situation in Kazakhstan Alshinbayeva, K. Conference Papers 35250755 35740456
2014 The damage of ecosystem due to uncontrollable mining in Bangka Belitung province, Indonesia Prasetya, Ega Syaputra Conference Papers 367419562 1051795718
2013 The development of sustainable land using as a strategic priority of modern agriculture Dyvnych, A. Conference Papers 274880132 160141944
2014 The evolution of environmental auditing in Ukraine Ruban, A. Conference Papers -484301125 1868638082
2017 The problem of saving energy and resources Kharchenko, N. Conference Papers 2346157 4879546