Browsing by Keywords MOSFET

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 A New Electro-Thermal Modeling of Low Voltage Power MOSFET with Junction Temperature Dependent Foster (RC) Thermal Network Toufik, S.; Zohir, D. Article 404681067 -551286118
2015 Analysis of Voltage Transfer Characteristics of Nano-scale SOI CMOS Inverter with Variable Channel Length and Doping Concentration Raj, A. Daniyel; Rajarajachozhan, C.; Deb, Sanjoy Article 114196840 47137048
2017 Analytical Modeling & Simulation of OFF-State Leakage Current for Lightly Doped MOSFETs Sachdeva, Nitin; Vashishath, Munish; Bansal, P.K. Article 237387 244999
2017 Analytical Modeling & Simulation of OFF-State Leakage Current for Lightly Doped MOSFETs Sachdeva, N.; Vashishath, M.; Bansal, P.K. Article 5666127 9261343
2017 Comparative Analysis of CNTFET and CMOS Logic based Arithmetic Logic Unit Nehru, K.; Nagarjuna, T.; Vijay, G. Article 586754912 383967450
2013 Comparison of Atomic Level Simulation Studies of MOSFETs Containing Silica and Lantana Nanooxide Layers Bikshalu, K.; Manasa, M.V.; Reddy, V.S.K.; Reddy, P.C.S.; Venkateswara Rao, K. Article -591546840 -637549653
2012 Electrical Properties of High-k Oxide in Pd/Al2O3/InGaAs Stack Gomeniuk, Yu.Y.; Nazarov, A.N.; Monaghan, S.; Cherkaoui, K.; O’Connor, E.; Povey, I.; Djara, V.; Hurley, P.K. Conference Papers 24404238 31241533
2024 Measurement of Very Small Variation of Effective Resistance of MOSFET Deputed in Active Microgrid Inverter Operation Ghosh, S.S.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Krishna, R.V.V.; Mahapatra, R.K.; Das, A.; Das, S. Article 51 50
2021 Modeling and Simulation of MOSFET (High-k Dielectric) Using Genetic Algorithms Abdelkrim, Mostefai; Smail, Berrah; Hamza, Abid Article -663287444 -1214881208
2021 Performance Analysis of Gate All Around (GAA) MOSFET at Cryogenic Temperature for the Sub-Nanometer Regime Lakshmana Kumar, M.; Biswajit, Jena Article 20009422 27202735
2018 PSpice Implementation and Simulation of a New Electro-Thermal Modeling for Estimating the Junction Temperature of Low Voltage Power MOSFET Toufik, Smail; Zohir, Dibi; Douadi, Bendib Article 2818218 5473306
2011 Role of interface charges on high-k based poly-Si and aetal gate nano-scale MOSFETs Shashank, N.; Singh, V.; Taube, W.R.; Nahar, R.K. Article -1284451794 1509742907
2017 Simulation and Performance Analysis of 32 nm FinFet based 4-Bit Carry Look Adder Rashid, S.; Khan, S.; Singh, A. Article 901499453 1977069023