Browsing by Keywords глобалізація

Showing results 21 to 40 of 303
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 English as a lingua franca in intercultural bussiness communication Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna Article -777792621 -1601585884
2022 Features and economics of electronic crowdfunding in the face of global challenges Tkachuk, S.; Vidomenko, O.; Levchenko, Yu.; Zhuzhukina, N.; Luk`ianykhin, Vadym Oleksandrovych Article 2431334 1930022
2015 Foreign experience of regulating international trade transactions Klymenko, L.V. Article 134570338 105667058
2013 Formation of economic safety in globalization Bachal, O.O. Conference Papers 160097688 129027928
2021 The global financial and economic crisis and its impact on the state and structure of the financial system of the European Union Shebeda, A.S. Bachelous Paper 171634509 121479919
2021 The global financial crisis and its impact on Ukraine's economy Vynogradov, V.; Troian, Mariia Yuriivna Conference Papers 199253 417755
2019 Global status of countries: determination and interpretation Deyneka, T.; Shkurupii, O.; Verhal, K.; Verhal, N. Article 40961556 140037160
2022 Global trends in the international trade development and conjuncture on the world goods and services markets Poliakova, S.S. Masters thesis 104293 132888
2015 Global trends of economic diplomacy development under globalization Kanishchenko, O.L.; Mamalyga, O.O. Article 1740217141 507874650
2012 Globalization Chayka, T. Conference Papers 365567725 552770971
2021 The heterogeneous effect of democracy, economic and political globalisation on renewable energy Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Kwilinski, Aleksy Conference Papers -208895715 -1730091279
2020 A Hidden Danger to Our Children’s Classrooms within Educational Leadership & Peering Practices Miller, A.D. Article -1229895080 -1249913966
2024 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the consumer goods market in different regions: global changes in social media marketing strategies Letunovska, Nataliia Yevhenivna; Khramova, K.O.; Jasnikowski, A. Article 267 80
2022 The influence of education on international labor migration Yeremenko, O.О. Masters thesis 167641757 106614567
2021 Innovation management: global and corporate challenges Sabadash, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Kharchenko, D. Conference Papers 455007239 166007257
2020 Innovation, Social and Economic Challenges Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Book 297828424 -178472564
2016 International aspect of ecological innovations Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Skoryk, V.V Article -47057029 593220239
2020 International Economic Relations Khomutenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Havrylina, Ahniia Volodymyrivna Schoolbook -64631984 -2136321136
2021 International labor migration and its impact on the world economy Luciy, V.I. Masters thesis 284871695 841513058
2022 Internationalization of buisnes processes in international companies Neronov, R.R. Masters thesis 15538 9095