Browsing by Author Погребняк, Олександр Дмитрович

Showing results 41 to 60 of 195
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Influence of implantation of Au− ions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the nanostructured multielement (TiZrHf VNbTa)N coating Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Yakushchenko, I.V.; Sobol, O.V.; Beresnev, V.M.; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Oyoshi, K.; Amekura, H.; Takeda, Y. Article -468966026 -1231691597
2015 Influence of residual pressure and ion implantation on the structure, elemental composition, and properties of (TiZrAlYNb)N nitrides Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Yakushchenko, I. V.; Sobol, O. V.; Beresnev, V. M.; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Kupchishin, A. I.; Lisovenko, M.A.; Amekura, H.; Kono, K.; Oyoshi, K.; Takeda, Y. Article 1582753946 1064491564
2017 Influence of the Bilayer Thickness of Nanostructured Multilayer MoN/CrN Coating on Its Microstructure, Hardness, and Elemental Composition Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Zhollybekov, B.; Konstantinov, S.; Konarski, P.; Beresnev, V.M.; Kupchishin, I. Article 416730046 -1398952972
2017 Influence of the High-Temperature Annealing on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Vacuum–Arc Coatings from Mo/(Ti + 6 wt % Si)N Beresnev, V.M.; Klimenko, S.A.; Sobol, O.V.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Litovchenko, S.V.; Srebnyuk, P.A.; Kolesnikov, D.A.; Meilekhov, A.A.; Postel’nik, A.A.; Nemchenko, A.A. Article 2048895615 778836169
2014 Influence of the phase and elemental compositions and defect structure on the physicomechanical properties and tribotechnical characteristics of nanostructural Ti-Hf-Si-N coatings Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Kaverin, Mykhailo Valeriiovych; Beresnev, V.M. Article 1059190507 1817855808
2015 Influence of thermal annealing and deposition conditions on structure and physical-mechanical properties of multilayered nanosized TiN/ZrN coatings Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Erdybaeva, N.K.; Plotnikov, S.V.; Turbin, P.V.; Grankin, S.S.; Stolbovoy, V.A.; Sobol, O.V.; Kolesnikov, D.A.; Kozak, C. Article 157537897 -351531892
2021 Investigation of AC Electrical Properties of MXene-PCL Nanocomposites for Application in Small and Medium Power Generation Kołtunowicz, T.N.; Gałaszkiewicz, P.; Kierczyński, K.; Rogalsk, P.; Okal, P.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Buranych, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Pohorielov, Maksym Volodymyrovych; Diedkova, Kateryna Andriivna; Zahorodna, V.; Balitskyi, V.; Serhiienko, V.; Baginskyi, I.; Gogotsi, O. Article 367261618 140078504
2013 Investigation of element profiles, defects, зhase composition and physical and mechanical properties of superhard coatings Ti-Hf-Si-N Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych Article 1526033744 1245410462
2015 Investigation of nanoscale TiN/MoN multilayered systems, fabricated using Arc evaporation Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Abadias, G.; Eyidi, D.; Beresnev, V.M.; Sobol, O.V.; Postolnyi, B.O.; Zukowski, P. Article 774448739 1757675633
2016 Irradiation resistance, microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coatings Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Yakushchenko, I.V.; Beresnev, V.M.; Oyoshi, K.; Ivasishin, O.M.; Amekura, H.; Takeda, Y.; Opielak, M.; Kozak, C.; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych Article 1792387769 -692916057
2020 Mechanical and tribological characterization of nanostructured HfB2 flms deposited from compound target Buranych, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Budzynski, P.; Shelest, Ihor Vladyslavovych; Prószyński, A.; Chocyk, D.; Honcharenko, Oleksii Serhiiovych; Yunda, Andrii Mykolaiovych Article 15161700 4543901
2017 Microstructure and tribological properties of nitride coatings based on Zr, Ti, Cr, Nb, and Si elements Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bahdasarian, Artem Anatoliiovych; Beresnev, V.M.; Kupchishin, A.I.; Plotnikov, S.V.; Kravchenko, Yaroslav Olehovych Article 19399782 9992696
2022 Microstructure, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Advanced Layered WN/MeN (Me = Zr, Cr, Mo, Nb) Nanocomposite Coatings Smyrnova, Kateryna Vasylivna; Sahul, M.; Harsani, M.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Ivashchenko, V.; Beresnev, V.; Stolbovoy, V.; Caplovic, L.; Caplovicova, M.; Vanco, L.; Kusy, M.; Kassymbaev, A.; Satrapinskyy, L.; Flock, D. Article 6849538 17909027
2013 Modeling of Processes in Co-Based Coatings Exposed to Plasma Jet Irradiation Алонцева, Д.; Alontseva, D.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Колесникова, T.; Kolesnikova, T.; Руссакова, A.; Russakova, A. Article 1880109601 -2000064362
2013 Modification of Ni-based plasma detonation coatings by a low-energy DC E-beam Алонцева, Д.; Alontseva, D.; Красавин, А.; Krasavin, А.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Руссакова, А.; Russakova, А. Article 51837011 41382047
2013 Multicomponent (Ti-Zr-Hf-V-Nb)N nanostructure coatings fabrication, high hardness and wear resistance Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Береснев, В.М.; Beresnev, V.M.; Колесников, Д.А.; Kolesnikov, D.A.; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Takeda, Y.; Oyoshi, K.; Kaverin, Mykhailo Valeriiovych; Соболь, О.В.; Sobol, O.V.; Krause-Rehberg, R.; Karwat, C. Article -1789211477 -1714774418
2012 Multifractal analysis of the TiN/Al2O3 coating surface under HCEB modification Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Borysiuk, Vadym Mykolaiovych; Bahdasarian, Artem Anatoliiovych Conference Papers 148854478 2029286663
2021 Multilayer and high-entropy alloy-based protective coatings for solving the issue of critical raw materials in the aerospace industry Postolnyi, Bohdan Oleksandrovych; Buranych, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Smyrnova, Kateryna Vasylivna; Araujo, J.P.; Rebouta, L.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Rohoz, Vladyslav Mykolaiovych Article 424523418 144742221
2017 Multilayer design of CrN/MoN protective coatings for enhanced hardness and toughness Postolnyi, Bohdan Oleksandrovych; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Beresnev, V.M.; Abadias, G.; Rebouta, L.; Araujo, J.P. Article -1431121479 -27895491
2017 Multilayered vacuum-arc nanocomposite TiN/ZrN coatings before and after annealing: Structure, properties, first-principles calculations Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Postolnyi, Bohdan Oleksandrovych; Ivashchenko, V.I.; Beresnev, V.M.; Sobol, O.; Załęski, K.; Jurga, S.; Coy, E.; Konarski, P. Article -1580936597 -1212806660