Browsing by Author Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna

Showing results 41 to 60 of 140
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2010 Physiology Of The Blood Los, L.А.; Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Schoolbook -2051737079 -962719439
2012 Protective functions of blood. Hemostasis system Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation -293059833 181566302
2012 Regulation of breathing Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 475827441 290884709
2013 Regulation of kidneys work. Role of kidneys in homeostasis maintenance Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Multimedia 526049165 2088424256
2012 Respiratory system. Mechanism of lung ventilation Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation -1166617631 2078165757
2011 Sense Organs Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 1755458740 -1465951619
2011 Sense Organs. Vision Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 676828476 1864166879
2011 Test Problems in Physiology State Licence Examination KROK-1 Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Collection of assignments -897860222 1571230407
2015 Test problems in physiology state licensing examination KROK-1 Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Schoolbook -1848654981 -1338647785
2012 The association between the VDR polymorphisms and cardiovascular diseases Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Conference Papers 9970197 5834973
2011 The effect physical activity of pregnant women for child health and development Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Sheikh, K.M. Conference Papers 432142352 39140497
2011 The excitation and inhibition in the CNS Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 749998535 1013295329
2013 The general and cellular basis of medical physiology Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Schoolbook -1203606081 -356170036
2011 The role of brain in regulation of motor and autonomic functions of the body Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -1707100674 -1055644014
2011 The role of spinal cord in the regulation of motor and autonomic functions Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 31119493 105973619
2012 Transport of gases in the blood Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 1413112891 1384248773
2012 Variants polymorphisms of genes vitamin D receptor (VDR) Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Sheikh, K.M. Conference Papers 2443147 1301755
2023 Аnalysis of the blood hypercoagulation risk in patients with ischemic atherothrombotic stroke depending of the vdr gene polymorphisms Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Zavadska, Maryna Mykolaivna; Levchenko, Zoia Mykhailivna; Biesiedina, Antonina Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Yelizaveta Antonivna; Smiianova, Yuliia Olehivna; Smiianov, Vladyslav Anatoliiovych Article 6225 3531
2017 Аналіз асоціації поліморфних варіантів Bsml, Apai, Taql гена VDR із розвитком хронічного генералізованого пародонтиту Dubovyk, Yevhen Ivanovych; Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Фоменко, І.Г.; Шершнєва, Є.С.; Лопатка, О.Ю. Article -1775793218 -158754618
2012 Аналіз асоціації поліморфних варіантів TaqI гена рецептора вітаміну D з ішемічним інсультом у хворих різної статі Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Ataman, Yurii Oleksandrovych; Borodenko, Anastasiia Oleksandrivna; Dubovyk, Yevhen Ivanovych; Ataman, Oleksandr Vasylovych Article 676255206 2123647450