Browsing by Keywords innovations

Showing results 41 to 60 of 320
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Innovations in tourism marketing: Operation Anthropoid in Prague Strielkowski, W. Article 2136407472 -1252579447
2020 Innovative Activities within Ukrainian Insurance Companies Starostina, A.; Pikus, R.; Kravchenko, V. Article 1473796219 -1707453662
2024 Innovative Activity of SPA Companies in the Slovak and Czech Republic in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Senkova, A.; Kolesarova, S.; Kosikova, M. Article 1920 1884
2024 Innovative approaches to business administration in conditions of digitization Liu, W. Masters thesis 2 0
2021 Innovative Approaches to the Assessment of Banking Competition in Ukraine in Terms of Digital Transformation Karcheva, G.; Shvets, N.; Dalgic, K.; Dalevska, N. Article -180876991 -1331524681
2016 Innovative development and factors affecting the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria Sotirova, A.O. Article 319736990 584139366
2021 Innovative Development of Oil & Gas Industry: Role of Environmental Taxation Huseynov, A.; Huseynov, E.; Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna Article 440532169 -54388622
2022 Innovative Foreign Direct Investment Policy: Latvia’s Case Simelyte, A.; Tvaronaviciene, M. Article -545777675 -728586121
2019 Innovative literacy levels: gender, age and education matters Krejci, P.; Sebestova, J. Article -301156534 -961856611
2014 Innovative processes impact on the factors optimal number formation of the enterprise location Franiv, I.A. Article 15685101 15931548
2021 Innovative Strategies For Social-Economic Development Financial Strategies In The Development Country. Chukwu, A.O.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -1557178642 -677135128
2021 International aspects of ensuring and controlling the quality of educational services in higher education institutions Yeremenko, O.O.; Єременко, О.О. Bachelous Paper 49912929 7669162
2020 International collaboration development in nanotechnology and nanomaterials Kursenko, I.V. Masters thesis 1553656654 1490960971
2017 International economic relations and sustainable development Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Kurbatova, Tetiana Oleksandrivna; Babenko, V.; Baldzhy, М.; Denysenko, M.; Gevorgyan, S.; Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Ibraheem, M.А.; Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Shevtsova, G.; Shimova, O.; Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Tielietov, Oleksandr Serhiiovych; Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Bondarenko, S.; Boyarko, I.; Breus, S.; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Horban, V.; Karna, W.; Karpitskaya, M.; Khaustova, Y.; Knap-Stefaniuk, A.; Krysak, A.; Kubatko, Oleksandr Vasylovych; Kuchmiyov, A.; Lukash, S.; Maslosh, O.; Nazaryan, G.; Omelyanenko, V.; Peresadko, Halyna Oleksandrivna; Pidlisna, O.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna; Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Sidorov, V.; Teletova, S.; Ali, K.M.; Barysenka, P.; Gromyko, N.; Kornatowski, R.; Pankova, J.; Sulaiman, D.J.; Vardanyan, T. Monograph -35831845 -1286055377
2015 International innovation networks as new stage of innovation development Krapyvnyi, Ivan Vasylovych; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Vernydub, Nataliia Oleksiivna Article 653561092 -1109734621
2022 Introduction of innovative management at energy industry enterprises Tymoshchenko, V.Yu. Bachelous Paper 18325370 28050993
2013 Investigation of the features of banking risks in the implementation of international investment projects in high-tech-areas Khvorost, Oksana Oleksiivna; Cherkasova, О.; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych Article 31421909 54461134
2011 Iнновацiї як один iз факторiв формування конкурентоспроможностi країни Kasianenko, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Article -1201384836 -26918583
2020 The Knowledge Management and Safety Compliance in OECD Economies: Some Experience for Jordan Industrial Sector Pi, Sh.-M.; Al-Zu’bi, Ghassan Article 8631248 20717862
2022 Management of Innovation in Azerbaijan: Relationships with Competitiveness and Sustainable Development Ibraghimov, E.A. Article -1670567477 731340909