Browsing by Keywords регион

Showing results 1 to 20 of 127
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Analyze of marketing resources of a region – the base for creation reasonable distribution policy of innovations at industrial enterprises Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna Article 317995033 287897772
2021 Approaches to the budget funding distribution for the regional renewable energy development Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna Conference Papers -1452405515 1336313240
2017 Competitiveness and innovation performance of regions in Slovak republic Ivanova, E.; Kordos, M. Article -1528986204 224044305
2016 Development of the Enterprise Distribution System Taking into Account the Regional Logistics Potential Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna; Hryshchenko, Olena Fedorivna; Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna Article 1059930163 -925340283
2016 Development of the enterprise distribution system taking into account the regional logistics potential Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna; Hryshchenko, Olena Fedorivna; Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna Article -1500191249 -2030628366
2015 Formation components of socio-economic potential of the region Stoyanets, N.V. Article 309964375 -210126681
2018 International dimension of national economic sustainable development Smolennikov, Denys Olehovych; Kovalov, Bohdan Leonidovych; Kubatko, Viktoriia Vasylivna Book chapter 3178 3100
2018 Logistic potential in a region as the basis of distributing system at industrial enterprises Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna; Шимаріна, А.К. Conference Papers 11223281 9507363
2018 Marketing and logistic support of Ukrainian regional markets for innovative products distribution Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna; Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Hryshchenko, Olena Fedorivna Article -326479677 -2146424523
2017 Regional constituent of integration process of Ukraine in the European space Zabarnaya, E. Article 1229655681 2096964594
2016 Regional economic development: dynamics and intensity of changes Lutskiv, O.M.; Habrel, M.S. Article 1998978008 1414319618
2016 Regional innovative and investment processes analysis and their impact on food-industry wine-producing enterprises development in Odessa region Bondarenko, S.А.; Nizyayeva, V.R. Article 52567750 73201605
2015 Social responsibility of education as one of advantages of innovative development of enterprise Zelinska, H.O. Article -391523966 844409702
2018 Spatial potential in the structure of logistic potential in Ukrainian regions Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna Book chapter 23356232 15334189
2016 Theoretical component of national financial, economic and cooperative education in Western Ukraine (second half of XIX-XX centuries) and its role in economic management of the region Holubka, M.M. Article 241638749 260924053
2015 Using of project approach to organization of regional educational management in the conditions of educational system development at Ivano-Frankivsk area Zelinska, H.O. Article 210252824 1349920478
2022 Адаптація України до європейських стандартів регіонального управління як перспектива суспільного розвитку Романчук, В.С. Bachelous Paper 655745142 579955952
2021 Адаптація України до європейських стандартів регіонального управління як перспектива суспільного розвитку Пушкар, А.О. Bachelous Paper -273476 118501907
2009 Анализ показателей развития регионов Украины Захарченко, В.И.; Петренко, П.С. Article 1665101988 1950813376
2012 Аналіз екологічних втрат від виробництва продукції в регіонах України Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Киричок, В.О. Article 1484993213 -1915877231