Browsing by Keywords цукровий діабет

Showing results 1 to 20 of 226
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Additional therapy with dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes who have in adequate glycemin control Ejire, J. Conference Papers -1565747563 23694381
2021 Chronic inflammation and progression of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes Mazur, Tetiana Stanislavivna; Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; Rudenko, Tetiana Mykolaivna; Yurchenko, Alla Vladyslavivna; Yezhova, Olha Oleksandrivna; Bokova, Svitlana Ivanivna; Demikhov, Oleksii Ihorovych Article -1739611371 -1155549962
2012 Correction of zinc deficiency in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus Al-Alvani, R.M. Conference Papers 281182929 283058768
2012 Diabetes mellitus in world and Ukraine Alabaid, B. Conference Papers 94232222 50177137
2020 Diabetes Mellitus Management. Practical Guide with Elements of Augmented Reality Melekhovets, Oksana Kostiantynivna Schoolbook 346076125 905403396
2021 Early and remote response of hif-1α protein in the hippocampus fields to ischemia-reperfusion in rats with diabetes mellitus Nika, O.M.; Zaliavska, O.V.; Kaushanska, O.V. Article 183539744 60821653
2020 Early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus using the VCAM-1 biomarker Shandyba, Iryna Olexandrivna; Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 617125503 457692471
2019 Effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus on clinical and laboratory status of women with arterial hypertension, obesity, and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction Kyrychenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna; Opolonska, Nataliia Oleksiivna; Степанець, О.В. Article -1812918130 1173864110
2010 Estimate of lovastatin efficiency at old patients with chronic cardiac failure and type 2 diabetes Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; H-jeva, Deogratras; Allabaid, Bassam Conference Papers -1552843993 -883876811
2017 Feature of the structure of the stomach also at the sugar diabet Yaroshik, T.O. Conference Papers 376038100 1624499603
2024 Features of COVID-19 in patients with diabetes mellitus Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Kaldiaieva, M.; Klymenko, Nataliia Vasylivna; Smiian, Kateryna Oleksandrivna; Melekhovets, Oksana Kostiantynivna; Vasylieva, Olena Hennadiivna; Chemych, Oksana Mykolaivna Article 4 0
2017 Gene polymorphism in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus Muhammed, H.; Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 1149793546 1158017089
2021 Histomorphometric changes of lung lymphoid follicles in young rats under experimental alloxan hyperglycemia Abdul-Rahman, Toufik; Awuah Wireko, Andrew Conference Papers 34953 10579
2020 Long-term consequences of the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of patients with diabetic ulcers, and medical and social adaptation of such patients Duzhyi, Ihor Dmytrovych; Nikolaienko, Andrii Serhiiovych; Yasnikovskyi, O.M. Article 128209799 67631561
2018 Metabolic disorders and adipocytokines imbalance in hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity Shelest, B.O. Article 1287592579 -132017278
2017 Morphological changes in pancreas after induce diabetes in young rats Vinichenko, I. Conference Papers 105674543 50494846
2020 Morphological Characteristics and Correction of Long Tubular Bone Regeneration under Chronic Hyperglycemia Influence Dudchenko, Yevhenii Serhiiovych; Maksymova, Olena Serhiivna; Pikaliuk, V.S.; Muravskyi, Dmytro Valeriiovych; Kiptenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Tkach, Hennadii Fedorovych Article -1497451191 -1882340479
2024 Peculiarities of the clinical course and diagnosis of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency anemia in patients with diabetes mellitus Solomenchuk, T.; Drobinska, N.; Makar, O.; Kobak, L.; Korniychuk, I.; Panasiuk, M.; Tsyhanyk, L.; Chmyr, N.; Savchenko, A.; Bazylevych, А. Article 1 0
2020 Proteolytic system condition as in the case of neutrophil elastase in patients with trophic ulcers on the background of diabetes mellitus Nikolaienko, Andrii Serhiiovych Article 3609379 562265
2024 Significance of urinary Aminopeptidase N and Dipeptidyl peptidase IV in early diagnosis of kidney damage in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in North-Eastern region of Ukraine Vikhrova, Iryna Oleksandrivna; Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Zmyslia, Ihor Fedorovych; Zmyslia, Igor Fedorovych Article 2 0