Browsing by Keywords Thermal stability

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 Colloidal Stability and Thermal Stability of Magnetic Fluids Arefyev, I.M.; Arefyeva, T.A.; Kazakov, Yu.B. Article 31777105 33887006
2017 Investigation of Thermal Stability of Red Emitting SrGd2(1 – x)Eu2xO4 Phosphors for Lighting and Display Applications Singh, J.; Manam, P.; Kumari, S.; Jana, S. Article -767572128 1071056016
2013 Properties of Coatings Deposited from Filtered Vacuum Arc Plasma with HEA Cathode Belous, V.A.; Firstov, S.A.; Gorban, V.F.; Kuprin, A.S.; Ovcharenko, V.D.; Reshetnyak, E.N.; Tolmachova, G.N.; Kholomeev, M.G. Conference Papers 108411917 1280152362
2014 Research of Thermal Stability of Tapes of Diboride of Hafnium and Receipt of Optimization Model of Cutting Process Agulov, A.V.; Vasileva, L.V.; Goncharov, A.A.; Stupak, V.A.; Petukhov, V.V. Article 152564112 157367815
2015 Study on Microstructure and Ablation Properties of Graphene Oxide/Zirconium Diboride Nanoparticle/Carbon Fiber/Resol Nanocomposites Amirsardari, Z.; Salavati-Niasari, M. Conference Papers 371689888 440701712
2017 Synthesis and Characterization of a New Aluminium Complex Bis (5-choloro-8- hydroxyquinoline)(2,2’bipyridine) Aluminium Al(Bpy)(5-Clq)2 Kumar, R. Article 30279489 9060695
2017 Synthesis and Characterization of a New Aluminum Complex bis (8-hydroxy quinoline) (1-10 phenanthroline) Aluminum Al (Phen)q2 Kumar, R. Article 199524688 283190166
2012 Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Al-Al2O3 Nanocomposite Produced by Mechanical Milling and Hot-Pressing Karimzadeh, F.; Rastar, V.; Enayati, M.H. Conference Papers 23621068 54832080
2012 Thermal Stability of Hafnium Diboride Films, Obtained on Substrates of Steel 12X18H9T and Cutting Plate T15K6 Agulov, A.V.; Goncharov, A.A.; Goncharova, S.A.; Bazhin, A.I.; Stupak, V.A.; Petukhov, V.V. Conference Papers 73727188 63786749
2017 Отримання аморфно-нанокристалічних сплавів частковою кристалізацією металевих стекол Лисов, В.І.; Цареградська, Т.Л.; Турков, О.В.; Саєнко, Г.В. Article 1890271 1617019