Browsing by Keywords emerging markets

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Assessment of government debt security of emerging markets: theory and practice Koilo, V.; Riabushka, Liudmyla Borysivna; Kubakh, Tetiana Hryhorivna; Halík, J. Article -1008703608 1527542442
2023 Comparative Studies of North African Financial Markets Fatma, M.; Khadidja, Z. Article 1729 3069
2017 Credit default swaps – characteristics and interrelations with european capital markets Paskaleva, M.G. Article 935486518 694293532
2007 Effects of the Basel II Accord on the Integration process of the Emerging Markets into the EU Markets Ozun, A. Article 2113567 2206578
2020 Innovations in Financial Management: Recursive Prediction Model Based on Decision Trees Podhorska, I.; Vrbka, J.; Lazaroiu, G.; Kovacova, M. Article 766358090 -355842292
2023 The Roles of Strategic Leadership in Ensuring Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence from Pharmaceutical Distribution in Emerging Markets Takawira, B.; Mutambara, E. Article 45173018 29380729
2009 Stock market trading at emerging markets: the equality estimation and improvement Demko, I. Conference Papers 1416696 1796539
2007 Воздействие соглашения Базель II на процессы интеграции развивающихся рынков в рынке Европейского союза Озун, А. Article 2690955 3136309
2009 Вплив валютної кризи у Бразилії на бразильсько-американські депозитарні свідоцтва Джефус, В. Article 3911502 3403799