Browsing by Keywords personality

Showing results 1 to 20 of 147
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Agatha Christie Vusatiuk, Y. Conference Papers -1750262467 1581459950
2014 Andreas Vesalius - founder of scientific anatomy Ikwunze, A.P. Conference Papers -51245197 -74560992
2015 Andriy Kuzmenko Grebenyuk, M. Conference Papers 138685440 74652552
2015 Augusta Ada Byron Kramar, A. Conference Papers -375549220 -1477363864
2013 Contribution of M.I. Pirogov to development of medical science Logvynyuk, H.A. Conference Papers 679768766 358401187
2015 David Sarnoff Koloskova, O.A. Conference Papers -16570191 1508939231
2015 Edwin Powell Hubble Smyrnova, K.V. Conference Papers -2021871261 -1764399425
2015 Eugene Paton Demyanenko, M. Conference Papers -1759113671 -1059380904
2015 Frederick Douglas Gryschenko, O. Conference Papers 375644148 135778579
2018 Futures literacy: нова цінність в аксіології і завдання сучасної освіти Kazandzhyieva, Maryna Symeonivna; Yaremenko, Liudmyla Mykolaivna Article 839918444 -372780165
2015 Gordon Earle Moore Pushnina, H. Conference Papers -1758024332 -1815695389
2008 Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - Doctor of Doctors Sulym, Liudmyla Hryhorivna; Sulym, G.A. Conference Papers 628057778 -1225773429
2022 The impact of skills, personality and psychology on management and decision making: empirical study among managers and employees Tovmasyan, G. Article 855714193 181871777
2014 John Logie Baird Yakovenko, A.A. Conference Papers -416663960 238329546
2015 Leonel Messi Grychanyk, Y. Conference Papers 60570535 1981150761
2015 Liliane bettencourt Yakovenko, A.A. Conference Papers -519790150 -1842541329
2015 Marcus Persson Kaba, E. Conference Papers 963356656 -1996422393
2015 Marilyn Monroe Prykhodko, A.M. Conference Papers -1390849680 1287584957
2014 Nikola Tesla - the genius who lit the world Smyrnova, K.V. Conference Papers -2023507230 87802282
2014 Number Phi Taran, A. Conference Papers 42676460 37706966