Наукові видання (ІФСК) [7344]

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Showing results 121 to 140 of 7344
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Associations between human aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) gene polymorphisms and left ventricular size, mass, and function Хірний, Дмитро Валерійович; Хирный, Дмитрий Валерьевич; Khirnyi, Dmytro Valeriiovych Conference Papers 8885368 26895604
2016 Augmented reality is the next step of information technologies Lukianykhin, O.V. Conference Papers 77983033 42641207
2015 Augusta Ada Byron Kramar, A. Conference Papers -375549220 -1477363864
2008 Aus der geschichte deuthschlands: preubens kriege und die reichsgrun Zaitseva, Inna Oleksiivna; Swiridok, I. Conference Papers 103212127 103930058
2019 Ausgaben von randgruppen im kontext der alternativen presse Deutschlands Bondarenko, Yuliia Stanislavivna; Lobanok, D. Conference Papers 538135610 539985942
2013 Ausralia legal system Mogilina, Y. Conference Papers 12254363 12683181
2010 Authentication Mulina, Nataliia Ihorivna; Mulin, D. Conference Papers -802507101 1009636966
2016 Autoimmune diseases. How to prevent them? Pliushchyk, D. Conference Papers 25477447 26641537
2010 Automation in brief Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Berest, Oleh Borysovych Conference Papers 1045962867 552637748
2014 Bacteria in our lives Lyutenko, M.; Miroshnichenko, M.V. Conference Papers 2049072333 -1126979308
2020 Bacteriophages as alternatives to antibiotics Varlakova, A.; Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 53915701 54094983
2005 Balanced development at local level: economic, environmental and social components Ivashchenko, T.V. Conference Papers 1649484591 1463117785
2021 Balanced View On Political Correctness Pochatko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Kurochkina, L. Conference Papers 1822028325 -344755096
2011 Balancing of an aligned machine Dyadechko, A.M.; Beda, A. Conference Papers 115473113 105724336
2010 Bank Morozova, Iryna Anatoliivna; Sagun, T. Conference Papers 128452268 182991000
2012 Banking system of Ukraine Manzuk, A.O. Conference Papers 389562108 1332959338
2012 Bankruptcy prediction as one of the important areas of financial stability enterprise Kovalenko, Ye.V. Conference Papers 20440523 30433913
2008 Bankruptcy: causes and risks Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Saban, L. Conference Papers 1497474037 -723538146
2011 Bargaining theory in its application to economic interaction Shapovalov, Serhii Pavlovych; Lytvynenko, M.I. Conference Papers -650245223 -426787899
2017 Basic management skills Borshchov, V. Conference Papers -2135616677 -1041775406