Наукові видання (ІФСК) [7344]

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Showing results 1641 to 1660 of 7344
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 The influence of plastic waste on human health Sidorenko, V.V.; Hurina, O.O.; Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna Conference Papers 175606388 115524838
2011 The influence of television on children Zolotova, Svitlana Hryhorivna; Sivovol, V.A. Conference Papers 1433006237 2048879861
2016 The influence of the meters' posture on the accuracy of electric energy accounting Diahovchenko, Illia Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 22662037 26451240
2015 The innovations in medicine and modern life Nestoruk, M.; Fihurna, O. Conference Papers 174368891 89639470
2015 The institute of marriage contract in Ukraine Dubova, V. Conference Papers 2239777 652169
2011 The intensification of sewage treatment by electromagnetic field Yarmak, Liubov Pavlivna; Ivashyna, V. Conference Papers 35008603 44928025
2014 The interaction of law and morality in the society Venger, Y.V. Conference Papers 7434975 7747915
2008 The interesting facts about mathematics Prokopenko, J.; Sazonova, N. Conference Papers 821297439 -218280078
2008 The Internet Aleksakhina, Tetiana Oleksiivna; Yelkanov, A. Conference Papers -1051052666 -882275250
2012 The Internet Holyshevsky, B.V. Conference Papers 1705776 2029962
2007 The internet as a powerful tool in foreign language acquisition Mulina, Nataliia Ihorivna; Mulin, D. Conference Papers 37798838 29257309
2016 The interrelation between albumin to creatinin ratio and uric acid for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension Chernatska, Olha Mykolaivna Conference Papers 36626624 56032270
2013 The introduction of Islamic criminal law in Libya Turuk, N.V. Conference Papers 39875864 74043217
2014 The invention of an elevator Sanin, A.I. Conference Papers -886940068 1326968479
2014 The invention of paper Lityuga, M.A. Conference Papers -1043078878 -1311579371
2014 The invention of photography Balaba, M.A. Conference Papers 309166630 426729786
2014 The invention of the pencil Didorenko, A.I. Conference Papers 1626430951 -532532515
2011 The Investigation of Mitochondria Okhtema, Svitlana Ivanivna; Baranova, S. Conference Papers 48628477 58033768
2013 The investigation of radial oscillations of the centrifugal pump rotor in annular seals Levchenko, K.V. Conference Papers 59548041 60337035
2008 The key principles of effective questionnaire design Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Nagornyy, E.I. Conference Papers 81865950 93641383