Наукові видання (ІФСК) [7344]

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Showing results 961 to 980 of 7344
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Marcus Persson Kaba, E. Conference Papers -1620941443 -1996422393
2005 Marginality in the context of European integration Kuznetsov, A.Yu.; Chernienko, V.A. Conference Papers 4445101 6121045
2015 Marilyn Monroe Prykhodko, A.M. Conference Papers 1458783231 1287584957
2010 Market and its infrastructure Morozova, Iryna Anatoliivna; Reva, Y. Conference Papers 61351579 64695553
2013 Market research tools industry Zubko, V.; Aleksakhina, Tetiana Oleksiivna Conference Papers 90193701 78890321
2009 Market stages Babakova, Y. Conference Papers 68949240 73151097
2010 Marketing communications Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Zholudeva, A.N. Conference Papers 65150679 66617541
2020 Marketing Communications in Election Campaigns Tkachenko, Olena Hryhorivna; Yanenko, Yaroslav Vasylovych; Sydorenko, Olha Pavlivna; Sypchenko, Inna Volodymyriva; Dudchenko, Liudmyla Mykolaivna; Rudenko, Nataliia Volodymyrivna Article 42 73
2011 Marketing decision support system Hryshchenko, Olena Fedorivna; Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna Conference Papers 78792304 542508447
2013 Marketing distribution policy of an enterprise and its elements Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna Conference Papers 61568402 44332470
2012 Marketing information systems in decision-making process Gryshchenko, O.; Dyadechko, A.N. Conference Papers 20094351 21661732
2014 Mars One Solovyov, S.S. Conference Papers 177761 451799
2014 Mascara: safe or dangerous? Kozlovska, O.A. Conference Papers 249133677 69461105
2008 Mass media in Britain Nefedchenko, Oksana Illivna; Chernova, D. Conference Papers 552828162 474585290
2020 Mass panic and technology Naumenko, A.; Podolkova, Svitlana Vitaliivna Conference Papers 30006910 2639950
2019 Mathematical analysis of the concept as a self-organized limitlessly branchable structure (on the basis of the fractal geometry by B. Mandelbrot) Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych Conference Papers 1542670044 835066456
2012 Mathematical model of tribological system at the boundary lubrication mode Zaskoka, A.M. Conference Papers 39128050 16874337
2010 Mathematical modeling economic growth within the framework of solow model Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Manko, N.M. Conference Papers 445907655 945961032
2012 Mcdonald's Ukraine company Kolontaevskaya, A.V. Conference Papers 230361107 1623076177
2018 Meaning of the proverbs in the process of the foreign students’ culture competence forming Diadchenko, Hanna Viktorivna; Dehtiarova, Tetiana Olehivna; Skvarcha, Olha Mykolaivna Conference Papers 770892907 1027218571