Наукові видання (ІФСК) [7344]

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 7344
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2005 A fixed capital: main regulations and effective using Livatskaya, T.N. Conference Papers 614751526 1173946910
2010 A look at alternative therapies Ilina, Halyna Samuilovna; Budko, V. Conference Papers -1173887147 302949356
2010 A new model of team building Morozova, Iryna Anatoliivna Conference Papers 106446704 114542028
2011 A practical guide to branding Hladchenko, Oksana Robertivna; Shaban, G.O. Conference Papers 295911613 322790888
2015 A revolution in medicine: 3-D printer Synyuka, V. Conference Papers 15793787 1421905476
2010 A rewiew of green logistics schemes used in cities around the world Havrylova, Viktoriia Vadymivna; Phesenko, A. Conference Papers 45443544 31422214
2011 A robot-rescure emily Usenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna; Zuy, A.M. Conference Papers -96471967 151649437
2012 A search of methods of timely warning of the phenomenon of surge in centrifugal pressurizer of gascompressor unit Sergijenko, S.V. Conference Papers 246698540 556558297
2009 A temperature in the nature and technique Bashlak, Iryna Anatoliivna; Baranow, F.S. Conference Papers -1766086855 1406468764
2008 A value of foreign languages for law students Sachok, M.; Zhuvak, V.; Pochatko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 307085676 345603264
2009 Abbreviation in medical terminology Terletska, Iryna Mykolaivna; Tsugan, O. Conference Papers -1214434558 227620093
2014 Accidental invention of velcro Gorbatyuk, K.S. Conference Papers 1082030086 -780083902
2014 Acid rain. Problems and solutions Vinichenko, N.O. Conference Papers -1082356460 961309361
2014 Acid rains Kvasnina, O.V.; Shapovalenko, A.O. Conference Papers 71792611 73137201
2014 Acidification Ponomarenko, A.M. Conference Papers 4360517 5499779
2010 Action scrip 3.0 Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Tevosyan, Y.A. Conference Papers 966725819 698384556
2013 Active magnetic bearings Khalizeva, A.G. Conference Papers 7884269 10065165
2018 Actualization of concept friendship in English linguoculture (based on the novels of J. K. Rowling “Harry Potter”) Olondar, A.A. Conference Papers 57676989 38770933
2013 Acute intestinal infections in children Smiyan, K.O. Conference Papers 1675948070 1512536971
2016 Adaptation of legislation of Ukraine to the European Union legislation in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy Lychko, T. Conference Papers 1264046352 595649875