Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 321 to 340 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Difference in frequency obstetric fistula in nigerian and european women Ogbodo, A.K.; Onwughara, O.P. Conference Papers 47310906 36642405
2017 Differential diagnosis of true and symptomatic epilepsy Minko, K.; Sosiak, N. Conference Papers 4642763 5764467
1984 DNA rearrangements generating artificial promoters Gragerov, Alexander Isaakovich; Smirnov, Oleh Yuvenaliiovych; Mekhedov, Sergey Lvovich; Nikiforov, Vadim Georgievich; Chuvpilo, Sergey Alexandrovich; Korobko, Vyacheslav Grigoryevich Article 583494837 1605693434
2000 Does human fulminant liver failure in hepatitis virus infection associate with fibrin deposition Dyachenko, P. Conference Papers 5587869 2418247
2019 Dosing of exercises in improving the technology of swimming at schoolchildren Bondarenko, K.K.; Palashenko, M.Yu.; Yuminova, E.Yu. Conference Papers 228239 130388
2020 Durvalumab with or without tremelimumab in patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: EAGLE, a randomized, open-label phase III study Ferris, R.L.; Haddad, R.; Even, C.; Tahara, M.; Dvorkin, M.; Ciuleanu, T.E.; Clement, P.M.; Mesia, R.; Kutukova, S.; Zholudeva, L.; Daste, A.; Caballero-Daroqui, J.; Keam, B.; Vynnychenko, Ihor Oleksandrovych; Lafond, C.; Shetty, J.; Mann, H.; Fan, J.; Wildsmith, S.; Morsli, N.; Fayette, J.; Licitra, L. Article 66645640 63330896
2023 Durvalumab with or without tremelimumab versus the EXTREME regimen as first-line treatment for recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: KESTREL, a randomized, open-label, phase III study Psyrri, A.; Fayette, J. Vynnychenko; Harrington, K.; Gillison, M.; Ahn, M.-J.; Takahashi, S.; Weiss, J.; Machiels, J.-P.; Baxi, S.; Vasilyev, A.; Karpenko, A.; Dvorkin, M.; Hsieh, C.-Y.; Thungappa, S.C.; Segura, P.P.; Vynnychenko, Ihor Oleksandrovych; Haddad, R.; Kasper, S.; Mauz, P.-S.; Baker, V.; He, P.; Evans, B.; Wildsmith, S.; Olsson, R.F.; Yovine, A.; Kurland, J.F.; Morsli, N.; Seiwert, T.Y. Article 28 25
2022 Dynamics of Cadets' Physical Fitness in the Process of Arm Wrestling Rebryna, A.; Kytrar, V.; Коshel, А.; Petrovych, O.; Bondar, T.; Bosniuk, P.; Stasiuk, Roman Mykolaiovych; Serhiienko, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Tkachenko, I.; Kisiliuk, O.; Khlibovych, I. Article -1846267473 1367323753
2015 Dynamics of cognitive function in older patients after intravenous anestesia Omelchenko-Seliukova, A.V. Conference Papers 2885823 2460453
2015 Dynamics of planimetric indexes of the burn areas after chitosan membranes application Korniienko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna; Korniienko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 483142767 323669869
2020 Early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus using the VCAM-1 biomarker Shandyba, Iryna Olexandrivna; Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 411811537 457692471
2013 Early diagnosis of microelement imbalance in newborns with respiratory distreess syndrome Kovchun, A.V. Conference Papers 155913856 192596161
2004 Ecological marking as a way of stimulating the ecologically pure food market growth Boychenko, O. Conference Papers 264930838 1979669807
2022 Ecotoxicity Study of New Composite Materials Based on Epoxy Matrix DER-331 Filled with Biocides Used for Industrial Applications Panda, A.; Dyadyura, K.; Valíček, J.; Harničárová, M.; Kušnerová, M.; Ivakhniuk, Tetiana Vasylivna; Hrebenyk, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Sapronov, O.; Sotsenko, V.; Vorobiov, P.; Levytskyi, V.; Buketov, A.; Pandová, I. Article 1984909 188189
2011 Ectopic mineral formation in the prostate gland Moskalenko, Roman Andriiovych; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Zakorko, I.-M.S.; Piddubnyi, Artem Mykhailovych Article -1338535838 -585062482
2017 Educational stress and mechanisms of psychological protection of student youth: problematic issues, physiological and hygienic aspects Makarov, S.Y.; Panchuk, O.Y.; Serheta, I.V. Conference Papers 6760894 7964821
2014 Effect of anticancer drugs on breast cancer cells sensitive and resistant to doxorubicin: expression of mRNA of TGF-β and its receptors Chorna, Inna Valentynivna; Федоренко, Олександр Вікторович; Федоренко, Александр Викторович; Fedorenko, Oleksandr Viktorovich; Стойка, Ростислав Степанович; Стойка, Ростислав Степанович; Stoika, Rostislav Stepanovych Article 1669756181 787312287
2020 The effect of antitumor chemotherapy on the healing of the femoral defect according to the resalts of computed tomography Riabenko, Tetiana Vasylivna Conference Papers 73123 53763
2012 Effect of chitosan derivate on the composition of microflora of the large intestine in experimental disbiosis Holubnycha, Viktoriia Mykolaivna; Onyemekehia, O.; Achimole, S. Conference Papers 440176284 329384010
2015 Effect of chitosan molecular weight, percentage in solution and method of production to human blood cells Pohorielov, Maksym Volodymyrovych; Deineka, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Kalinkevich, O.; Kalinkevich, A. Conference Papers 2122906155 -872791647