Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 1041 to 1060 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 The influence of xenobiotics on the metabolism of copper in the experiment on warm-blooded animals Lyuft, A.M. Conference Papers 62681528 35910944
2016 The influence of α-lipoic acid to endothelial dysfunction and adipokines balance in patients with type 2 diabetes and essential hypertension in the presence of unfavorable genetic polymorphism Shalimova, A.; Belovol, A.; Bobronnikova, L.; Kochueva, M.; Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kirichenko, N. Conference Papers 3118534 1301322
2007 The lichtenstein repair of unquinal hernia Shevchenko, Volodymyr Porfyrovych; Nwaogu Acachy, Conference Papers 412505510 555216800
2010 The life of the foremost anatomist William Harvey Sulym, Liudmyla Hryhorivna; Devis, Sarah Ekua Conference Papers 49977011 52622516
2019 The long-term effect of the complex of heavy metal salts on the morphofunctional changes in the structural components of the intermediate lobe of the mature rat's pituitary gland-the female Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Hryntsova, Nataliia Borysivna; Karpenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Kiptenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Ustianskii, Oleh Oleksiiovych; Dunaieva, Maryna Mykolaivna Article 5355611 3573977
2016 The main aspects of metabolism for patients with osteochondrosis, arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus Chernatska, Olha Mykolaivna; Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; Sakalyte, Gintare Conference Papers -1724419030 -1911283349
2018 The main requirements for annual archers` training course Dolgova, Nataliia Oleksandrivna Conference Papers 1445407 1259351
2014 The mechanisms of cardiac remodeling in hypertension patients with obesity Kochueva, M.N.; Shalimova, A.S.; Kochuev, G.I.; Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kirichenko, N.N.; Linskaya, A.V. Conference Papers 378452 134069
2014 The mechanisms of cardiac remodeling in hypertension patients with obesity Kochueva, M.N.; Shalimova, A.S.; Kochuev, G.I.; Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kyrychenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna; Linskaya, A.V. Article 848895517 1256725842
2017 The negative effects of electromagnetic radiation on the thyroid gland Ostapenko, G.A. Conference Papers 33163941 56205033
2016 The neurotoxic effect of formaldehyde on human cultured cells Mahmood, S.; Murin, R.; Škovierova, H. Conference Papers 2078620 1134877
2014 The optimal treatment of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the patients Khliad, Nazbar Conference Papers -1965999483 1965935542
2009 The origin of infectious diseases Horobchenko, Nelia Heorhiivna; Shevtsov, Y. Conference Papers 912055153 1004163689
2015 The osteotomy of the knee deformation after gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee) Nazbar, Khalid; Shalimov, I.M. Conference Papers 14269761 11671093
2017 The peculiarities of uricemia for patients with diabetic nephropathy and arterial hypertension Chernatska, Olha Mykolaivna; Prystupa, Liudmyla Nykodymivna Conference Papers 1213089457 804289851
2017 The physiotherapeutic means in a complex rehabilitation of people with posthypoxic encephalopathy Yezhova, Olha Oleksandrivna; Radych, K.; Loboda, T. Conference Papers 16694616 6685373
2014 The possibility of correction of structural and functional state of target organs in patient with hypertension and obesity Kochueva, M.N.; Sukhonos, V.A.; Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kyrychenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna; Shalimova, A.S. Article -1969903960 379855139
2017 The primary cancer morphology of fallopian tube Gyryavenko, N.; Diachenko, O. Conference Papers 1038848 2156210
2016 The problem of formation of students' health culture Smolyakova, I.D. Conference Papers 16234537 14773625
2017 The problem of proliferation methicillin-resistant S. aureus Shubin, P.; Nazbar, E. Conference Papers 8990702 3252633