Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 1121 to 1140 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2012 Urgent medical aid to children with polyorganic and polysystemic injuries at the prehospital stage Shkatula, Yurii Vasylovych Conference Papers 1370072 2094261
2009 Usage of cytokines in therapy of oncological diseases in oncoginecology Markevych, Valentyna Volodymyrivna; Illiashenko, K.L. Conference Papers -1210276477 -1134143541
2019 Use of functional tests to assess the state of the cardiovascular system in students Stytsenko, M.; Lapko, S. Conference Papers 7434 2621
2011 Use of means of immunocorrection in the complex treatment of the chronik disease of the oral mucosa Kolenko, Yu.G.; Borysenko, A.V. Conference Papers 443917073 636961488
2022 Use of Probiotic Bacillus megaterium NCH 55 for Treatment of Subclinical Mastitis in Cows – preliminary study Shkromada, O.; Pikhtirova, Alina Volodymyrivna; Pecka-Kiełb, E.; Skliar, O.; Musiienko, Y. Article -128872714 -1632596644
2010 Use of the ozonized solutions in complex therapy of patients with sharp viral hepatitis A and B Ilina, Viktoriia Valeriivna; Ponor, O.B. Conference Papers 2137559494 1959151202
2019 Using the PCR method to identify foodborne pathogens and determine their prevalence in ukrainian food products of animal and plant origin Berhilevych, Oleksandra Mykolaivna; Pylypenko, L.; Kasianchuk, Viktoriia Viktorivna; Ilyeva, O.; Shubin, P. Article 1280603440 -1911034241
2017 Vagosimpatic relationship in development of myopic refraction of students Maslova, N.M. Conference Papers 3275783 3334869
2021 Value of urinary adiponectin, VCAM-1 and RBP 4 in early diagnosis of kidney damage in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Vikhrova, Iryna Oleksandrivna Article -276516146 927082589
2020 Variability of complications of liver cirrhosis associated with hepatitis B and C viruses Horbachevskyi, Artem Oleksandrovych; Chemych, Mykola Dmytrovych Conference Papers 16016258 8274112
2012 Variants polymorphisms of genes vitamin D receptor (VDR) Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Sheikh, K.M. Conference Papers 2443147 1301755
2016 Vegetative state of early-school age children with posture violence Afanas'ev, S.M. Conference Papers 713842 822296
2015 Verification of corpora amylacea amyloid nature via polarized light microscopy Moskalenko, Roman Andriiovych; Iashchіchyn, I.; Fallah, M.; Piddubnyi, Artem Mykhailovych Conference Papers 1782080 1033244
2015 Very rare case of persistent neutropenia Tabansi, V.; Tutuola, M. Conference Papers 13738637 23512288
2016 Vimentin expression of parenchymal cells and stromal cells of ductal breast carcinoma: comparative characteristics Lazaruk, O.V. Conference Papers 5549223 2391048
2013 Viral and parasitic diseases in patients with HIV infection Al-Juboori, M.R. Conference Papers 2276806 6543255
2021 Virtual Educational Space and Psychological Problems in a Pandemic Vdovichena, O.; Bahunina, O.; Tovstukha, O.M.; Lukіianchuk, A.; Budko, Hanna Yuriivna Article 92744976 87064014
2017 Vulvovaginal atrophy during menopause Orru, A.J. Conference Papers 57065017 37092280
2011 What is Asperger syndrome? Symonenko, Nataliia Oleksandrivna; Karpenko, A. Conference Papers 67097773 77752163
2004 Willebrand's factor Orlovskyi, Viktor Feliksovych; Maltseva, S.I. Conference Papers -1792451432 1666728783