Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 1061 to 1080 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 The problems of health and healthy way of life in the context of people's culture Voznyi, Andrii Petrovych Conference Papers 30597960 32782068
2014 The problems of testing the level of motor fitness students Serhiienko, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 2135589 1663793
2015 The products of technical microbiology - a promising source of protein and essential amino acids Kindia, Valerii Illich Conference Papers 310999 198491
2017 The professionally applied physical training (papt) for the students of a sedentary lifestyle Berest, Olha Oleksandrivna; Tokar, A.V. Article -1657036015 -1044534628
2017 The radiation exposure to people due to natural radiation in buildings Zaytzev, A.S.; Kutsak, A.V. Conference Papers 1095155 1348302
2012 The relation of foreign students to the problem of HIV/AIDS Magufwa, A.F. Conference Papers 1926245 1571686
2016 The relationship between obesity and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 type plasma levels in patients with mild traumatic brain injury Adigun, Z.O. Conference Papers 9958449 10192019
2016 The relationship between obesity and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 type plasma levels in patients with severe traumatic brain injury Towenna, C.A. Conference Papers 14079010 1649254
2017 The relationship of physical education teacher with students and innovation in the process of motivation Sterling, C.; Romanova, Viktoriia Borysivna Conference Papers 4576796 9657236
2015 The response of the separate organs on the extracellular dehydration Prykhodko, Olha Oleksiivna; Hula, Viktoriia Ivanivna Article 1231947001 1034084245
2012 The results of surgical treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts following acute pancreatitis Shevchenko, Volodymyr Porfyrovych; Bratushka, V.O.; Sobolev, Y.I.; Myslovsky, I.A.; Kravez, O.V.; Svistunov, O.V.; Shevchenko, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Conference Papers 1756286976 2125554018
2016 The review of biomaterials used for controlling parenchymal bleeding Liubchak, Iryna Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 9726516 4635980
2014 The role of antioxidant protection in patients with gout combined with functional liver disorder Smiyan, S.I.; Danchak, S.V.; Slaba, U.S. Conference Papers 486615 652193
2016 The role of heavy metal salts in pathological biomineralization of breast cancer tissue Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Lyndin, Mykola Serhiiovych; Moskalenko, Roman Andriiovych; Hortynska, Olena Mykolaivna; Lyndina, Yuliia Mykolaivna Article 1005762910 153065006
2009 The role of kidney in providing of microelements balance of newborns Tarasova, Iryna Vitaliivna; Turova, Liudmyla Oleksandrivna Article -143222621 357727306
2011 The role of oral hygiene in the prevention of dental diseases Khosrow, P.P.; Medvedeva, M.B. Conference Papers 9274385 11449102
2004 The safety of industrial raw material in the aspect of global problems Shkabara, T.; Bykova, N. Conference Papers 415893865 639170701
2012 The simple model of chemical burn Mokhonyok, Z.A.; Logvinyuk, H.A. Conference Papers 1355186 600069
2012 The simple model of chemical burn Mokhonyok, Z.A.; Lohvynyuk, H.A. Conference Papers 888407 404532
2017 The state of radiation load to people of the Zaporozhye region due to medical irradiation Krivsun, K.V.; Kutsak, A.V. Conference Papers 295368 614682