Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 881 to 900 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 The remodeling of lungs under the influence of alloxan-induced hyperglycemia Teslyk, Tetiana Petrivna; Yarmolenkо, Olha Serhiivna; Bumeister, Valentyna Ivanivna; Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; Prykhodko, Olha Oleksiivna; Dmytruk, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Dehtyarova, I. Article 288 189
2020 The Remodeling of Lungs Under the Influence of Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemia Teslyk, Tetiana Petrivna; Yarmolenkо, Olha Serhiivna; Bumeister, Valentyna Ivanivna; Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; Prykhodko, Olha Oleksiivna; Dmytruk, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Dehtyarova, І. Article 534 408
2015 Remodeling of target organ in patients with essential hypertension in combination with obesity and diabetes Shalimova, A.S.; Kochueva, M.N.; Belovol, A.N.; Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kirichenko, N.N. Conference Papers 304946481 292196941
2011 Renal regulation of microelement status of the newborns with intrauterine growth retardation Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Okafor, J. Conference Papers -1334737407 1645225174
2020 Reparative processes features in trophic ulcers caused by diabetes mellitus with the use of platelet-rich plasma Duzhyi, Ihor Dmytrovych; Nikolaienko, Andrii Serhiiovych; Popadynets, Vasyl Myronovych; Kravets, Oleksandr Valeriiovych; Hresko, Ihor Yaremovych; Holubnychyi, Stanislav Oleksandrovych; Sikora, Vladyslav Volodymyrovych; Lyndin, Mykola Serhiiovych; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych Article 990947654 -1865245848
2015 Research of factors, which influence on diagnostic and treatment process of patients with lung cancer Zinchuk, A.M.; Levashova, A.I.; Zinchuk, O.G. Conference Papers 11458380 20277378
2010 Research of immune response dynamics in patients with acute hematogenous osteomyelitis depending on form of disease Ovechkin, Denys Viacheslavovych; Zaitsev, Ihor Eduardovych; Agyiri, B.N. Conference Papers 1295256307 554004621
2017 Research reactive response of polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes in patients with chronic hepatitis C Balaniuk, I.V. Conference Papers 437552 448379
2011 Response of human cancer cells to ionizing radiation Shkandala, A.Y.; Chorna, Inna Valentynivna Conference Papers 48359730 45848349
2022 Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer: do microRNAs matter? Ryspayeva, D.; Halytskiy, V.; Kobyliak, N.; Dosenko, I.; Fedosov, A.; Inomistova, M.; Drevytska, T.; Gurianov, V.; Sulaieva, Oksana Mykolaivna Article 64902 115076
2014 Results of emergency Hartmann's operations for obstructive left-side colorectal cancer Daramola, Ayodeji Damilola; John, R.C.; Chioma, O. Conference Papers -1326556971 -1477965676
2020 Results of the ultramicroscopic research of adenoid vegetations accompanied by the pathologies of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in adults Plakhtiienko, Inna Oleksandrivna; Smiianov, Yevhen Vladyslavovych; Smiianov, Vladyslav Anatoliiovych; Savchenko, V. Article -626264139 1974294514
2014 Results of using of octreatide on control of lymphorrhea after modified radical mastectomy (madden) in breast cancer patients Shevchenko, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Shevchenko, Volodymyr Porfyrovych; Konanihin, V.I.; Solodchenko, M.I. Conference Papers -777468606 -206005706
2023 Retifanlomab-induced thyroid gland disfunction and colitis (case report) Kononenko, Mykola Hryhorovych; Duzhyi, Ihor Dmytrovych; Moskalenko, Yuliia Vasylivna Article 366 234
2022 Revealing the molecular-genetic and clinical predictors of glucocorticoid resistance in patients with hand eczema Methkal, A.; Kuts, Larysa Viktorivna Article 19959 50333
2011 Risk factors of low back pain among scoolchildren, who are living in Zaporozhye Ivashchenko, M.I.; Podlyanova, O.I.; Povoroznyuk, V.V. Conference Papers 1353322 1826323
2017 Risk factors of meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) in newborns Nicolas, D.; Ahmed, A. Conference Papers 243671272 119362419
2014 Risk factors of recurrent acute obstructive bronchitis in children Abdirahman, Shire Wardhere Conference Papers -1723799554 1823502718
2022 Risk faktors of retinopathy of prematurity Tolchennikova, K.I.; Lopa, J.S.; Ghigulina, K.O. Conference Papers 102 104
2012 Robert Koch - the father of clinical microbiology Lypovska, Viktoriia Viktorivna; Horobchenko, Nelia Heorhiivna; Horobchenko, D.M. Conference Papers 2106934141 1322861712