Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 921 to 940 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 Significance of urinary Aminopeptidase N in early diagnosis of kidney damage in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus Vikhrova, Iryna Oleksandrivna; Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 1794919960 -1128903638
2015 Similarities and differences in breast cancers between black African and white European women Okoye, Chukwuebuca Daniel; Ndossa, Annia Ibrahim Conference Papers 1312860 1299865
2014 Single nucleotide polymorphisms in cytokines genes promoters are associated with the susceptibility to HIV-1 infection in the Ukrainians Piddubna, Anna Ivanivna Article 1972484933 988306022
2013 Sir John Bertrand Gurdon and his contribution to histology, cytology and embryology Lytvynenko, D.S. Conference Papers 104263758 116443097
2023 Six months into the war: a first-wave study of stress, anxiety, and depression among in Ukraine Kurapov, A.; Danyliuk, I.; Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Kalaitzaki, A.; Kowatsch, T.; Klimash, T.; Predko, V. Article 34769 1242
2017 Skin cancer in young women in Nigeria due to bleaching cream Unawunwa, F.; Ogunsanya, I. Conference Papers 92067020 155584240
2010 Smoking amond minors and their effects on organism Romaniuk, Oksana Kostiantynivna; Romanyuk, S.; Otesanya, Olamide O. Conference Papers 184559971 203792617
2022 Social isolation triggers oxidative status and impairs systemic and hepatic insulin sensitivity in normoglycemic rats Bove, M.; Lama, A.; Schiavone, S.; Pirozzi, C.; Tucci, P.; Sikora, Vladyslav Volodymyrovych; Trinchese, G.; Corso, G.; Morgese, M.G.; Trabace, L. Article 304819 756455
2020 Social justice in terms of differentiation of electricity prices Pryimenko, Svitlana Anatoliivna; Burla, Oksana Anatoliivna; Burla, Anton Oleksandrovych; Kust, V.V. Conference Papers 60710736 61712616
2016 Socio-economic living conditions of pupils from IXth-XIIth grades from rural areas from Moldova Gisca, V.M.; Turcan, L.V. Conference Papers 71871565 62510379
2011 Some aspects of temporomandibular joints anatomic structure Zhachko, M.; Plyska, V.; Zhachko, S. Conference Papers 3372517 3476198
2017 Special aspects of healing wounds after tooth extraction in patients with diabetes mellitus Barylo, O.S.; Kanishyna, T.M.; Biloshytska, A.V. Conference Papers 1384239722 999160645
2020 Specific features of accumulation of organochlorine pesticide residues in melliferous plants, bee pollen, and honey Kasianchuk, Viktoriia Viktorivna; Berhilevych, Oleksandra Mykolaivna; Negay, I.; Dimitrijevych, L.; Marenkova, T. Article 10068503 5377563
2019 Spent lithium ion batteries as a source of incoming of lithium and heavy metals in humans and animals bodies Illiashenko, Viacheslav Yuriiovych; Deineko, O.S.; Yaroshchuk, R.A.; Khvorost, T.V.; Shubenko, M.M. Conference Papers 206 38
2015 Spinal manipulation Waheedullah, Amannullah Conference Papers 1627737 840566
2020 Spinal Reflex Recovery after Dorsal Rhizotomy and Repair with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Gel Combined with Bioengineered Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs) Castro, M.V.; Silva, M.V.R.; Chiarotto, G.B.; Santana, M.N.A.; Luzo, A.S.M.; Kyrylenko, Serhii Dmytrovych; Oliveira, A.L.R. Article 825447 1773502
2017 Sporting tourism in universities Smoliakova, I.D. Conference Papers 317778552 165563776
2020 Standardization Issues of Test Methods for Engineering Nanomaterials Diadiura, Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych; Ivakhniuk, Tetiana Vasylivna; Hrebenyk, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Ivakhniuk, Yurii Petrovych; Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych Article -1481160753 -2037166847
2021 State of immunity in preschoolers with acute respiratory viral infections associated with adenoid vegetations Dmitrova, Yevheniia Vasylivna; Smiian, Oleksandr Ivanovych; Holubnycha, Viktoriia Mykolaivna; Smiian, Kateryna Oleksandrivna; Bynda, Tetiana Parfeniivna; Reznichenko, Y.H.; Vysotskyi, Ihor Yuriiovych; Vasylieva, Olena Hennadiivna; Plakhuta, Valentyna Anatoliivna; Manko, Yuliia Anatoliivna; Havrylenko, Anastasiia Oleksandrivna; Syadrista, Y.O. Article -133356156 623029579
2021 The state of reproductive health of women with hyperproliferative pathology of the endometrium Nikitina, Iryna Mykolaivna; Horban, N.Ye.; Mykytyn, Kseniia Vadymivna; Kondratiuk, K.O.; Smiian, Svitlana Anatoliivna; Kalashnyk, Nataliia Volodymyrivna; Gerevich, N.V. Article 274323653 -1605471770