Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 941 to 960 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 The state of the optical density of the alveolar process of the jaws of rats in supraocclusive relationships of individual teeth in the age aspect Lakhtin, Yurii Volodymyrovych; Zviahin, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Karpets, Lidiia Mykhailivna Article -895202082 954858644
2014 State some cognitive functionsin school age adolescents children undergoing neonatal encephalopathy Naseem, Saad Munsan Conference Papers 2051386613 21307866
2021 Steps towards implementing evidence-based screening in family medicine in Ukraine: SWOT-analysis of an approach of multidimensional empowerment Kolesnyk, P.; Frese, T.; Vinker, S.; Shushman, I.; Zharkova, Albina Volodymyrivna; Messaadi, N.; Kolesnyk, A.; Bayen, S. Article 3500045 1338190
2017 Strength of population immunity against diphtheria in Dnipropetrovs'k region Revenko, G.O.; Mavrutenkov, V.V.; Chykarenko, Z.O. Conference Papers 136052027 64293000
2021 Strengthening societal resilience during COVID-19 pandemic Kostenko, Andriana Mykolaivna; Svitailo, Nina Dmytrivna; Nazarov, Mykola Serhiiovych; Kurochkina, Viktoriia Semenivna; Smiianov, Yevhen Vladyslavovych Article 26 23
2016 Structural and functional condition of liver of children with escherichiosis infected by Epstein-Barr virus Olkhovskyy, E.S. Conference Papers 5039212 7280315
2018 Structural and functional features of myocardial remodeling in professional athletes Ataman, Yurii Oleksandrovych; Vorozhko, O.A.; Voloshin, O.S. Conference Papers 6652543 3183933
2015 Structural and functional status of target organs in patients with essential hypertension and obesity Shalimova, A.S.; Kochueva, M.N.; Belovol, A.N.; Sukhonos, V.A.; Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kirichenko, N.N. Conference Papers 66294149 11158442
2016 Structural changes in osseous and cartilaginous tussues of the mandible under effects of heavy metals salts on the body Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Korobchanska, A.B.; Lyndin, Mykola Serhiiovych; Romaniuk, Oksana Kostiantynivna; Smiianov, Yevhen Vladyslavovych; Sauliak, Serhii Volodymyrovych; Romaniuk, Sofiia Anatoliivna; Slobodian, H. Article -943826548 392754152
2021 Structural changes of long tubular bones of mature rats under the hyperglycemia Ponyrko, Alina Oleksiivna; Bumeister, Valentyna Ivanivna; Dmytruk, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Yarmolenkо, Olha Serhiivna; Teslyk, Tetiana Petrivna; Riabenko, Tetiana Vasylivna; Shkolna, Iryna Ivanivna Article -820656013 1876927986
2017 Structural changes of rat's heart under the influence of hypoosmolar hyperhydration Bumeister, L.V. Conference Papers 77814667 86721549
2016 Structural changes of red blood cells under the conditions of violation of water-salt balance Bumeister, L.V. Conference Papers 23807309 25542448
2019 STRUCTURAL DISTRIBUTION OF PLASMAPHERESIS SESSIONS’ AMOUNT IN THE COURSE OF TREATMENT INFECTIOUS NOSOLOGIES ON THE BASIS OF SUMY REGIONAL CLINICAL HOSPITAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES AFTER Z.Y. KRASOVYTSKYI Liubchak, Vladyslav Viktorovych; Ilina, Viktoriia Valeriivna; Kovalishyn, Mykhailo Petrovych; Bondarenko, Artem Kostiantynovych; Plaksa, Viktoriia Mykhailivna Conference Papers 126014287 189044673
2016 Structural features of bone marrow Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Lyndina, Yuliia Mykolaivna; Sikora, Vladyslav Volodymyrovych; Lyndin, Mykola Serhiiovych; Karpenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Hladchenko, Oksana Robertivna; Masalitin, I. Article 2132628967 -1093083567
2014 Structure of bronchopulmonary among children according to infectious department № 2 Sumy city children's hospital St. Zenaida Igwe, Oluchi Conference Papers 2120870261 -258396378
2018 Structure of opportunistic infections in patients with HIV- infection Chemych, Oksana Mykolaivna; Кравцова, Я.Л.; Олефір, А.А. Conference Papers 47630207 57031799
2014 Structure of perinatal pathology premature neonates with extremely low weight (ELBW) Agala, D.; Jane, O.N. Conference Papers -801366071 -1636973373
2017 Structure of peripheral nerves Gordienko, P.O. Conference Papers 12691173 7574732
2021 Structure of the knee articular cartilage after the femur and tibia extra-articular injury Tkachenko, Artem Serhiiovych; Maksymova, Olena Serhiivna; Korenkov, Oleksii Volodymyrovych; Voznyi, Andrii Petrovych; Tkach, Hennadii Fedorovych Article 5096910 8340503
2017 Structure poisoning in childhood and treatment algorithms at present in Sumy City Children's Hospital Antonenko, I.; Okonkwo, C.O.; Lito, O.; Honcharova, Alina Viacheslavivna Conference Papers 14458683 8075995