Наукові видання (НН МІ) [10380]

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Showing results 961 to 980 of 10380
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Structure poisoning in childhood and treatment algorithms at present in Sumy City Children's Hospital Okonkwo, C.O.; Antonenko, I.; Lito, O.; Goncharova, A. Conference Papers 27951393 15719116
2017 Structures of lymph nodes of different stages Kryukov, I.O. Conference Papers 10278661 17414054
2016 Students' physical training at higher education institutions Oparenko, А.О.; Berest, Olha Oleksandrivna Conference Papers 158295674 191180755
2019 The study correlation between physicochemical properties, botanical origin and microbial contamination of honey from the south of Ukraine Berhilevych, Oleksandra Mykolaivna; Kasianchuk, Viktoriia Viktorivna; Kukhtyn, M.; Dimitrijevich, L.; Marenkova, T. Article 419201200 663394915
2021 The Study of Association Between BGLAP HindIII-Polymorphic Variant And Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Development Among Ukrainians With Arterial Hypertension Chumachenko, Yaroslav Dmytrovych; Kolnohuz, Alona Vladyslavivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Ataman, Oleksandr Vasylovych Conference Papers 1466841415 860735568
2012 Study of clinical effect of colloidal silver on model of acute intestinal infection in rats Deyneka, V.M.; Ameen, H.K. Conference Papers 21879820 28402235
2024 Study of Dermatoglyphics in Athletics Hannina, V.M. Conference Papers 0 0
2016 Study of fibronectin in psoriatic plaque Kuksa, A. Conference Papers 555828220 754653267
2010 Study of incidence on ascariasis in the Sumy region in 2000-2009 years Polovian, Kateryna Serhiivna; Darwich, M.; Menon, G.K. Conference Papers 1851884679 -430779301
2010 Study of incidence on mumps in the Sumy region in 2000-2009 years Polovian, Kateryna Serhiivna; Odigo, Ubani Patrick; Omolade, Apata Ester Conference Papers -380980588 -80674230
2012 Study of influence colloidal silver on profile of cytokines at acute intestinal infections Onyekaba, E.; Larri, S. Conference Papers 3339126 2411943
2012 Study of influence combined probiotic on profile of cytokines in acute intestinal infections Ghulam, R.K.; Ghulam, R.N. Conference Papers 1483813200 757162498
2020 Study of microscopic structure features cuticular layer of european hedgehog needles (Erinaceus europaeus) Pikhtirova, Alina Volodymyrivna; Ivchenko, V.D. Conference Papers 709803 421125
2007 Study of species spectrum of sepsis in newborns Pilkevich, N.B.; Kozina, S.Yu.; Gaidash, I.S. Conference Papers 57791147 33269982
2011 Study of the morbidity on epidemic parotitis in chaildhood in the Sumy region Polovian, Kateryna Serhiivna; Chimezie, U.A. Conference Papers 479186833 486574568
2020 The study of the toxic effect of the heavy metals salts on the erythropoiesis in the rats Lyndina, Yuliia Mykolaivna; Sikora, Vladyslav Volodymyrovych; Lyndin, Mykola Serhiiovych; Soroka, Y.; Romaniuk, S.; Karpenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers -256241835 1512453879
2017 Study of tuberculosis infection in childern of refugees and migrants in Ukraine Egwuatu, C.M. Conference Papers 366872020 970707469
2010 Studying of the intestinal microbiocoenonosis in case of acute enteric infection Dytko, Vladyslava Volodymyrivna; Ilina, Viktoriia Valeriivna Conference Papers -21816552 -1642649652
2009 Studying of the intestinal microbiocoenosis in case of acute enteric infection Maikina, O.A.; Ilina, Viktoriia Valeriivna Conference Papers 98269882 152174265
2019 Studying the functional state of students, depending on the form of financing their studies Tymbota, M.; Lapko, S. Conference Papers 20028 17714