Наукові видання (ШІ) [742]

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 742
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Solvent sublation of сopper ions Bolielyi, O.C.; Obushenko, T.I.; Tolstopalova, N.M. Conference Papers -2042418482 1348598951
2022 Study of the process of obtaining cellulose from the sea grass Zostera marina by the method of catalytic delignification Pavlenko, Oksana Viacheslavivna; Gubin, E.M.; Bereznyak, O.C.; Lobunets, D.S. Conference Papers 8109199 5507919
2016 Summarized cavitational impact of water treatment from microorganisms and organic compound Koval, І.Z. Conference Papers 45885382 42457579
2016 Supplemented Series with Simultaneous Action of Gases and Cavitation on the Diplococcus Destruction Koval, І.Z.; Falyk, T.S. Conference Papers 17203039 23404343
2022 Synthesis and determination of properties of high-energy complex compounds containing 1,3-diaminopropane Kołodziej, W.; Pawlus, K. Conference Papers 971457 278367
2016 Synthesis of brown pigments iron-zink spinel from hydroxide Ivaniuk, H. Conference Papers -1317966080 982068780
2023 Techniki badania ciągu kompozycji nanotermitowych i bazujących na nich kompozycji nanotermitowych Maciuch, M.; Iksal, J.; Gilicki, A.; Polis, M. Conference Papers 324 95
2018 The actual use of mathematical analisis in the reserch of the equation of body movements Liashenko, A.A.; Onishenko, T.M. Conference Papers 18221958 37515852
2016 The Category of Spatiality in English Lepert, O.A.; Varenyk, G.I.; Kolodko, N.S. Conference Papers 208522610 180801266
2016 The Evolution of English Dictionaries Юзькова, Ю.В.; Михальчук, O.M. Conference Papers -1614315695 -2027737347
2016 The Forms of Middle English Generated by the Interplay of English, French and Latin Міщук, Ю.Ю. Conference Papers 191733952 296173368
2008 The management of the cycle of keeping the goods sellable Prigara, I.O. Conference Papers 137349165 120472527
2016 The mineral fertilizer granules encapsulating in a multistage shelf apparatus Ostroha, Ruslan Oleksiiovych; Shevets, S.P. Conference Papers 780082654 627312601
2016 The Peculiarities of Ukrainian and Russian Translations of Walt Whitman's Poems Дуброва, О.В. Conference Papers 237063113 106641902
2017 The personality of Oscar Wilde in his novel "The picture of Dorian Grey" in the light of queer theory Kalma, M.M.; Dubrova, O.V. Conference Papers 976343042 378508118
2016 The Predicative Construction Bodnar, О.V.; Yashchuk, P.A. Conference Papers 1800220513 1617380005
2018 The problem of employment of bachelors after the end of the higer education Zabegalov, І.V.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers 6663502 2116038
2016 The Promotion of Linguistic Idiosyncrasy and Eccentricity in the Historical Development of the BBC Голинська, Н.Г. Conference Papers -506323921 -156359510
2017 Three levels of teaching subjects Pomogaibo, Y.V. Conference Papers 735295012 434127854
2016 Uderstanding Poetry Varenik, Nikolay; Fylymonchuk, Alex Conference Papers 370174134 374844976