Наукові видання (ННІ ФЕМ) [9965]

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Showing results 101 to 120 of 9965
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2007 Balance scorecard as an effective tool for a company managing Owenya, Haika Willian Conference Papers 1434960230 434038748
2005 Balanced development at local level: economic, environmental and social components Ivashchenko, T.V. Conference Papers 1319698056 676430247
2016 Balanced scorecard (BSC) як ефективний інструмент управлінського аудиту Панченко, А.С. Conference Papers 1749749110 -1327830095
2012 Balanced scorecard as an element of financial controlling system Vysochyna, A.; Ryabenkov, O. Conference Papers -568414369 633588795
2011 Balanced scorecard implementation as mechanisms of reaching sustainable development Trubnikova, Olga Conference Papers 83449542 108138665
2008 Basic aspects of oil price formation Lapenko, Anna Oleksandrivna Conference Papers 380138244 162947327
2009 Basic methods of expert estimation of losses from origin of extraordinary situations and their prognostigation Bublyk, М. Conference Papers 113595995 39048425
2006 Basic principles of environmental advertising Bashuk, Tetiana Oleksandrivna Conference Papers 881999104 948902205
2013 Benchmarking in greening the economy Shvetsova, Mariia; Gubanova, E.R. Conference Papers -608888105 1966132529
2016 Benchmarking Innovative Products of Enterprises Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Shimko, V.Y.; Marchenko, T. Conference Papers -376781423 1982350674
2010 Biodiversity and ecosystem services Baruti, Abdala Yussufu Conference Papers -1143872875 479582079
2010 Bioecological peculiarities of caprifolaceae juss. Far easten origination and prospectives of its usage in landscape gardening of the central Podillia Silchuk, V. A. Conference Papers 52768212 39964778
2018 Biogas as an alternative energy resource for Ukrainian companies: EU experience Yevdokymov, Yu.; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych Article 304616276 -801347443
2012 Biological method for water quality control Safronova, D. Conference Papers 9410650 4338814
2007 Biomass: advantages and disadvantages Ishchenko, Natalia; Kosarev, Alexandr Conference Papers 1649297213 -610458098
2005 Blockbuster films as an effecnive source of environmental information Semkiv, O. Conference Papers 1113111235 250067193
2011 "Blue heart ocean": a new technology of coral reef conservation in the implementation of fisheries sustainable economics, case studies jakarta waterfront city north Jakarta Wiratama, Nugroho Conference Papers 43808247 70268455
2010 Bluetooth-маркетинг як інноваційний інструмент маркетингової комунікаційної політики Illiashenko, Nataliia Serhiivna; Авласович, А. Conference Papers 343670535 373823972
2012 Boeing dreamliner: the promise of greener flying Omar, S.M. Conference Papers 5954711 1781960
2019 Brand management and macroeconomic stability of the country Bilan, Yurii Valentynovych; Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 1643591795 -1682741543