Наукові видання (ЕлІТ) [7183]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 7183
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 3D Computer Models of Mo-Zr-V, Ti-C-V, Ti-Ir-Ru T-x-y Diagrams with Three-phase Reaction Type Changing Lutsyk, V.I.; Vorob’eva, V.P. Conference Papers 883190342 273626623
2014 3D-друк в медицині Безверха, Т.М. Conference Papers 37783669 -208634220
2013 3D-модель легкого позашляховика "баггі". Використання засобів SolidWorks в тривимірному моделюванні Брижахін, Є.В.; Гонтарєв, А.А. Conference Papers -68305001 -855468544
2013 3D-модель персонального комп'ютера. Використання засобів SolidWorks в тривимірному моделюванні Кудрявцев, Р.С.; Шепіль, Є.А. Conference Papers -2094859143 -1654626128
2013 3D-принтер Бібік, В.І. Conference Papers -1988075151 -1270861443
2013 4He Sorption in Graphene Oxide at Low Temperatures Dolbin, A.V.; Eselson, V.B.; Gavrilko, V.G.; Manzhelii, V.G.; Vinnikov, N.A.; Basnukaeva, R.M.; Benito, Ana Conference Papers -1039471935 2047414701
2013 A Comparative Study on Spinel Iron-cobalt Oxide Prepared by Co-precipitation and Hydrothermal Routes Hammiche-Bellal, Y.; Djadoun, A.; Meddour-Boukhobza, L.; Barama, A. Conference Papers -5259610 1050384635
2015 A Device for Successive Injection Analysis Tychkov, V.V.; Trembovetskaya, R.V. Conference Papers -1164017558 479762018
2015 A First Principles Study of Chalcopyrite Mn-doped AlGaP2 Compounds Kang, Byung-Sub; Song, Kie-Moon Article -1272457354 -1873106752
2018 A new type of (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coating: Microstructure and properties depending on energy of incident ions Bahdasarian, Artem Anatoliiovych; Pshyk, A.V.; Coy, L.E.; Konarski, P; Misnik, M; Ivashchenko, V.I.; Kempinski, M; Mediukh, N.R.; Beresnev, V.M.; Jurga, S; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych Article -2109472661 -83377719
2015 A Novel Nanowire Metal Converter for Improvement the Efficiency of the Gas-filled Radiation Detectors Zarei, H.; Saramad, S.; Eskandari, K. Conference Papers -1363700387 215370948
2013 A Novel Study of Electrospun Nanofibers Morphology as a Function of Polymer Solution Properties Nasouri, K.; Haji, A.; Shoushtari, A.M.; Kaflou, A. Conference Papers -1258926709 1202731722
2015 A Recent Study of Quantum Atomic Spectrum of the Lowest Excitations for Schrödinger Equation with Typical Rational Spherical Potential at Planck's and Nanoscales Maireche, Abdelmadjid Article -517882275 -202058224
2014 A Review In Preparation of Electronic Ink for Electrophoretic Displays Kholghi Eshkalak, S; Khatibzadeh, M. Article 1314369493 14851962
2013 A Review On Green Methods for Synthesis of Silver Nano Particles Bayat, M.; Khatibzadeh, M. Conference Papers -1272668015 -876228727
2014 A self-assembly of nanoparticles Yushchenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Badalian, Anna Yuriivna; Bratash, S.O. Conference Papers -725279556 356086708
2015 A Semantic Knowledge Model for Support of Network Management Tasks in Complex Heterogeneous Systems Gladun, A.Y. Conference Papers 1525541944 -1334250147
2010 A Stochastic Model of Stick-Slip Boundary Friction with Account for the Deformation Effect of the Shear Modulus of the Lubricant Khomenko, Oleksii Vitaliiovych; Liashenko, Yakiv Oleksandrovych Article -659811207 480807009
2011 A structure and physical properties of Ni films in metastabile ststes Ryabtsev, S.I.; Gusevik, P.S.; Bashev, V.F.; Dotsenko, F.F.; Gudzenko, V.N.; Evdokimov, P.A. Conference Papers -1956495780 255147106
2011 A study of inelastic electron-phonon interaction on tunneling magnetoresistance in polyacetylene Roknabadi, M.R.; Pahlevane, M.; Modorresi, M. Conference Papers -368242379 -188870469