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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 Growth and Characterization of Nickel Catalyzed Gallium Oxide Nanowires on Sapphire Substrate Kumar, Sudheer; Goud, B. Srinivas; Singh, R. Article -969575238 -1308022036
2015 Нанокомпозити на основі полібутилентерефталату, синтезованого з циклічних олігомерів бутилентерефталату та мультистінних вуглецевих нанотрубок Бардаш, Л.В.; Файнлейб, О.М.; Григор’єва, О.П.; Буато, Ж. Article 27862910 39411562
2014 Catalytic Synthesis Lactobionic Acid Borodina, V.G.; Mirgorod, Y.A. Article -843387975 14604202
2022 Quantitative Relation between the Hamaker Constant and the Water Contact Angle with sp2/sp3 Ratio and Hydrogen Content in a Hydrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Film Biswas, Hari Shankar Article 23926977 31421422
2012 Study of Growth, EDAX, Optical properties and Surface Morphology of Zinc Tartrate Crystals Nandre, S.J.; Shitole, S.J.; Ahire, R.R. Article 847710083 516652322
2024 Tuning of Graphene Oxide Thin Films Synthesis and Characterization with Electronic Behaviour Mondal, A.; Kundu, A.K.; Biswas, H.S.; Maiti, D.K. Article 18 23
2020 Features of the Initial Stage of the Formation of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystalline Thin Films Malykhin, S.V.; Kondratenko, V.V.; Kopylets, I.А.; Surovitskiy, S.V.; Shipkova, I.G.; Mikhailov, I.F.; Zubarev, E.N.; Bogdanov, Yu.S. Article 1464971246 688420564
2020 Tin Oxide Nanostructure Fabricated by Thermal Evaporation as Potential NO2 Sensor Ingole, S.M.; Navale, Y.H.; Salunkh, A.S.; Chougule, M.A.; Khuspe, G.D.; Patil, V.B. Article 1317467498 793628061
2024 Effect of Annealing on the Physical Properties of Chemically Synthesized Nanocrystalline SnO2 Thin Films Tayade, S.S.; Bhoye, L.N.; Sali, K.R.; Patil, G.E.; Shinde, M.S.; Gosavi, S.R. Article 16079 13456
2021 Structural and Morphological Characterization of CuO Nanostructure Precipitated by Water-soluble Copper (II) Nitrate Hemi(pentahydrate) and NaOH as Reactants Anuar, N.A.S.K.; Sheng, C.K. Article 988778514 1814860668