Філологічні трактати [1384]

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 1384
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Ekphrasis in Arts and Wonders by Gregory Norminton: Giuseppe Arcimboldo and Tommaso Grilli Harmash, L. Article 17702703 5823403
2018 Elegy as a scientific problem: theoretical-historical view Tkachenko, Olena Hryhorivna Article 1032098611 1138354837
2021 Emotional and Semantic Dominant in the Poetry of the Participants in Joint Forces Operation Khraban, T. Article -1190515966 -409913931
2017 Emotive Means in Blurbs and Summaries Chulanova, Halyna Valeriivna; Strilko, A.L. Article 1256951472 1906181265
2016 Empathy in discourse: towards an embodied cognitive semantics Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna Article 1779094830 1605502020
2019 Empiric study of verbalized sociocultural stereotypes Lyubymova, S. Article -1285679417 515414234
2016 Englische Entlehnungen in den Graffiti in den deutschsprechenden Ländern Yermolenko, Svitlana Vasylivna; Rozhchenko, D.O. Article 187201086 60422929
2023 English phraseological units as representatives of national and cultural specificity Chulanova, Halyna Valeriivna; Vnuchkova, V. Article 51908 23636
2015 English Speech Innovations in the XXI Century Hunter, L.; Vashyst, K.; Khodtseva, A. Article 337644066 363207035
2015 Epidigmatic Nature of Quantitative Words Shvachko, Svitlana Oleksiivna; Shumenko, Olha Anatoliivna Article 1991563201 -1097680211
2004 Eponymical lexical items as the object of translation Rudnicka, Ewa Article -811998945 905917826
2016 Essay on methodology of language researcн Shchyglo, Larysa Volodymyrivna Article 627091213 231702875
2015 Etymological Roots of Proper Names in Fairy Tale Discourse (Based on the Novel by J. Rowling “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”) Nazarenko, Olena Viacheslavivna; Ivanenko, O. Article -1941167832 -1383090407
2020 The Expression of Destructive Love in Ovid’s Heroides with Emotional Means Maystrenko, L. Article 808857 611442
2021 Features of Usage and Translation of Stylistically Marked Vocabulary in American Fiction Bilohur, A.; Ushchapovska, Iryna Vasylivna Article 1664745537 1548282790
2016 Fractal Theory of Discourse Construction: Some Hypothetic Ideas Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna Article -1816950407 640130668
2017 From Jan Kochanowski’s "Treny" to Ivan Franko's Elegies Tkachenko, Olena Hryhorivna Article -376591266 1655785834
2018 Functional and Semantic Features of Composed Adjectives in English (Based on the Artistic Material of English Discourse) Shumenko, Olha Anatoliivna; Inshyma, N.; Kashenko, P.; Kostriukova, V. Article -1261279342 940826097
2013 Functional and stylistic features of scientific-technical articles annotation texts Podolkova, Svitlana Vitaliivna Article 619671485 410093355
2023 Gender asymmetry in modern mass media English Chulanova, Halyna Valeriivna Article 124590 95503