Управління фізичного виховання і спорту [171]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 171
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2012 Anthropometric features of ukrainian national women’s team in biathlon Shepieliev, Anatolii Yehorovych Conference Papers -342593280 997643084
2015 Application of the unidirectional loadings in physical training of students Cherenko, V.A.; Gorovoi, V.A. Conference Papers -1326570368 -1664781942
2015 Be strong, smart, have beautiful and developed body and good coordination Dolgova, Nataliia Oleksandrivna; Bezugla, K.M. Conference Papers 1890648467 333424295
2015 Charakterystyka roznych form zajec wychowania fizycznego w centrum kultury fizycznej umcs w Lublinie Bielecki, T.; Krawczyk, K. Conference Papers 813252162 -2094137550
2015 Correlate with somatic three parameters of sportmanship Sumy university archery team Shepieliev, Anatolii Yehorovych Conference Papers 1439360615 189957835
2012 Correlations of somatometric parameters bodies and indices of physical development of students sumy region Shepieliev, Anatolii Yehorovych Article -420789777 1163299477
2015 Ersonality-oriented approach implementation to the physical education (on the example of fitness aerobics) Berest, Olha Oleksandrivna; Niesheva, A. Conference Papers 2030297360 1267509441
2015 Formation of healthy lifestyle of students of technical specialties Smolyakova, I.D. Conference Papers 1366042250 219326092
2015 Health education in romanian shools Donchenko, V. Conference Papers -623528532 -1215332870
2015 Motivation as factor of sports selfrealization Piesotskyi, Serhii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers -2113129253 -102924845
2015 Motivational thrust process of physical education Stasiuk, Roman Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 32959244 -1608794401
2015 On the concept and essence health Voznyi, Andrii Petrovych; Semenchuk, O.V. Conference Papers 1529889985 1511838639
2015 Physical education, as a social phenomenon in human life Levkovets, Oleh Hryhorovych Conference Papers 1955380411 -1552702572
2015 Physicality human as a phenomenon of physical education (metodoloho-synergy analysis) Voznyi, Andrii Petrovych Conference Papers -269147299 1718332333
2012 Somatic aspects of sportmanship sumu university arcnery team Shepieliev, Anatolii Yehorovych Conference Papers 1765063328 1415947278
2015 The concept of the word "fitness" and its interpritation Berest, Olha Oleksandrivna Conference Papers -23205983 992550297
2015 The development of the veteran badminton Siryk, Antonina Yevhenivna; Hladchenko, Oksana Robertivna Conference Papers 1991884827 1288756580
2015 The essence and the importance of aerobic fitness Dolgova, Nataliia Oleksandrivna; Krasnobaeva, A.D. Conference Papers -233813320 -1589707397
2015 The evaluation of protective and adaptive mechanisms of students who have different levels of physical exercise Polishchuk, T.V. Conference Papers 161958660 156710445
2015 The independent work of students who study at "sport" speciality Serhiienko, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 2142417526 -615180955