Наукові видання (ФПКВ) [161]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 161
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2012 Electronic means of teaching students project activities Kupenko, Olena Volodymyrivna; Ternovaya, Anastasia Conference Papers -1057666890 -407950157
2013 Feedback in a distance course Mulina, Nataliia Ihorivna Conference Papers -671243526 2033660476
2014 Improving the quality of educational content by means of the complex of open social resources Zuban, Y.O.; Lavryk, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 213592219 1420964304
2012 Interdepartmental graduation work as the basis of teamwork and interaction for students and teachers of different specialties Piven, Andrii Hryhorovych; Vaskin, Roman Anatoliiovych Conference Papers 135135516 -1695651709
2012 IT-забезпечення наукової та навчальної діяльності Сумського державного університету Liubchak, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Conference Papers -85201013 -80783038
2012 Lifelong learning on the basis of distance technologies in Ukraine Derykolenko, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 1853501555 -755021485
2012 Methodological basis of remote learning Bozhkova, Viktoriia Viktorivna Conference Papers -182398669 -331725911
2013 Mobile information and communication technology of training Tkachuk, V.V. Conference Papers 848326076 983710163
2012 Modern technologies for learning content creation Berest, Oleh Borysovych Conference Papers 1624667837 -1388452163
2012 New approaches to teaching english to graduate students Mulina, Nataliia Ihorivna Conference Papers -153792255 128440109
2012 Open educational resources: some usage aspects Lavryk, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Saharova, N. Conference Papers -1001136868 -1014792737
2013 Social factors of distance learning: adopted from the experience of distance learning implementation in Poltava University of Economics and Trade Artemenko, V.M. Conference Papers 1566980231 1966236060
2013 Some aspects of the distance course "Engineering and computer graphics" in "Electronics" Shvets, Y.; Kiselev, E. Conference Papers -240499541 -1411408356
2012 Swedish distance higher education development Ageicheva, A.; Severyn, O. Conference Papers 1332248654 742581598
2013 Technology of e-labs development in lifelong learning Zharkykh, Y.S.; Lysochenko, S.V.; Sus, B.B.; Tretyak, O.V. Conference Papers -879135721 -840469422
2012 The experience of using of electronic educational means in teaching of natural disciplines at the pre-university stage of foreign students training Yakovenko, Victoria Conference Papers -1465354305 -2100707880
2012 Thinking, feeling, and creating presence in the online environment Rosemary, M. Lehman; Simone, C.O. Conference Papers -361972976 1459419107
2012 Three strategies for increasing autonomy and decreasing isolation online Kostina, M.V. Conference Papers 2143167368 -1189868261
2012 Three-component digital environment for life long learning support Voychenko, O. Conference Papers -1757218518 -1723823142
2014 Translation vs distance learning Baranova, Svitlana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 42967742 -265997294