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Title Сайт журнала как инструмент маркетинга знаний
Other Titles Journal site as the tool of knowledge marketing
Сайт журналу як інструмент маркетингу знань
Authors Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych  
Keywords маркетинг знаний
коммуникационная политика
продвижение знаний
научный журнал
сайт журнала
WEB - аналитика
маркетинг знань
комунікаційна політика
просування знань
науковий журнал
сайт журналу
WEB - аналітика
knowledge marketing
communication policy
promotion of knowledge
scientific journal
magazine website
WEB - analytics
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher Сумский государственный университет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Ильяшенко, С.Н. Сайт журнала как инструмент маркетинга знаний [Текст] / С.Н. Ильяшенко // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. - 2014. - № 1. - С. 15-26.
Abstract В статье изложены результаты анализа эффективности использования сайта научного журнала как инструмента маркетинга знаний, в частности, его коммуникационной политики в среде интернета. Разработаны рекомендации по совершенствованию системы продвижения научных знаний с помощью сайта журнала. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
У статті викладено результати аналізу ефективності використання сайта наукового журналу як інструмента маркетингу знань, зокрема, його комунікаційної політики в середовищі інтернету. Розроблено рекомендації з удосконалення системи просування наукових знань за допомогою сайта журналу. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку
The aim of the article. World economy since 2005 has moved to descending wave of a long economic cycle and productions of technological order V (which currently dominates) are gradually losing their relevance, and of the VI one are mainly at the stage of scientific research and development. In these conditions the production and application of new knowledge (scientific, technical, professional) has a chance to enter the path of innovation growth in the mainstream of the innovation development concept. Promotion and popularization of scientific knowledge is provided by scientific journals, especially scientific periodical journals, which are the basis of technical and professional knowledge on the one hand, and generalize and systematize the available technical and vocational achievements on the other hand. Scientific and applied developments which are published there can be the basis for further research, they can also be implemented in practical activities of business structures, government, regional and local government. Website in the Internet is an effective and instantaneous tool for expanding the audience of the scientific journal, which allows enter the foreign countries, with minimal cost and still provide the individualization of communication with readers. It is not only the tool to promote scientific knowledge of certain subjects, but it can also be used to gather information about its target audience. The aim of this study is to analyze the efficiency of the site scientific journal as a marketing tool in the sphere of Internet knowledge and to give recommendations for improving the system of scientific knowledge advancing. The results of the analysis. The website of journal «Marketing and Management of Innovations» was chosen as the object of research, which is published by the Department of Marketing and MIA of Sumy State University (Ukraine). The tools of Google Analytics were used for analysis. Magazine website accessed in most countries of the world, geography of visitors expands. The visitors from Ukraine are basis of the audience, but proportion of visitors from other countries grows, including those in which science is one of the priority directions of development. This indicates as interest in the subject of the magazine, as well as effectiveness of promotion policy. There is an active formation of site visitors audience, its composition and structure essentially correspond to the expected. Content of journal site is available for the most popular search engines, which shows the effectiveness of optimization. The proportion of visits to the site of Ukrainian and international abstracting and indexing databases increases. Therefore, policies to ensure their presence in the electronic version of the journal (essays and articles) confirms its effectiveness. Content analysis of search queries that implements a transition from search engines to the journal site, shows that visitors purposefully search the information relevant to journal subjects. From this it follows that the directivity of articles subject is topical. The analysis of clickabiliuty of the journal archive issues suggests, that almost all issues of the journal are popular although there is a difference in the amount of visitor approximately to 25-30%. The journal is well positioned in a number of international databases index that shows the quality and relevance of its articles, and the effectiveness of the journal site as a tool to promote scientific knowledge. Increasing the number of viewed articles on the journal`s website, as well as in bases of its abstracting and indexing shows the growth of its popularity and, consequently, the effectiveness of promotion policies. Analysis of structure of the authors shows a small percentage of articles of foreign scientists (9,1%), it shows that the journal has not good reputation abroad yet. It can be explained by small fraction of articles that are published in English (5,4%). However, it should be noted that some of the authors from the European Union publishe articles in Russian, in particular, from Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland. That`s why journal has good position among Ukrainian scientists, but it is only the beginning to a wide international recognition. Hence, the focus of the editorial policy must be given to attraction of foreign authors and increasing the proportion of English articles. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The author substantiated that website of the scientific journal is an effective tool to promote scientific knowledge, enhance communication, including keeping feedback from target customers: readers and authors of articles. Google Analytics tools can be used as an effective tool of marketing research in the Internet environment. The results of it form the basis for adjustments of the site structure and content, and the principles of editorial policy of the journal at all. When you are citing the document, use the following link
Appears in Collections: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations)


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