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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Experiment of Polylactic Acid as a Material for Candle Molding on Origami-Shaped Crash Box Patterns Kusyairi, I.; Himawan, H.M.; Choiron, M.A.; Irawan, Y.S. Article -1074362966 569158600
2019 General Features of the Metallic Corrosion in Raw Crude Oils Aluvihara, S.; Premachandra, J.K. Article 379622714 484546260
2019 Data Measuring System for Torque Measurement on Running Shafts Based on a Non-Contact Torsional Dynamometer Vanieiev, Serhii Mykhailovych; Miroshnychenko, Dmytro Valeriiovych; Rodymchenko, Tetiana Serhiivna; Protsenko, M.; Smolenko, D.V. Article -979295003 -569695271
2019 Braking Pattern Impact on Brake Fade in an Automobile Brake System Towoju, O.A. Article -1706483456 1279295851
2019 Ecologically Safe Directions of the Low Rank Coal Bioconversion Chernysh, Yelyzaveta Yuriivna; Pliatsuk, Leonid Dmytrovych; Ablieieva, Iryna Yuriivna; Yakhnenko, Olena Mykolaivna; Miakaieva, Hanna Mykolaivna; Bataltsev, Yevhen Volodymyrovych; Roubik, H.; Lis, D. Article 571608178 -1244312618
2019 Numerical Study of the Effect of Changing Tube Pitches on Heat and Flow Characteristics from Tube Bundles in Cross Flow Petinrin, M.O.; Towoju, O.A.; Ajiboye, S.A.; Zebulun, O.E. Article 1123763488 -550781633
2019 Influence of an Inlet Rotating Axial Device on the Cavitation Processes in a Low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump Moloshnyi, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Sotnyk, Mykola Ivanovych; Szulc, P. Article -207182888 1044231317
2019 Clarification of the Recent Scientific Approaches in Magnetic Water Treatment Pliatsuk, Leonid Dmytrovych; Roi, Ihor Oleksandrovych; Chernysh, Yelyzaveta Yuriivna; Kozii, Ivan Serhiiovych; Hurets, Larysa Leonidivna; Musabekov, A.A. Article 1586337512 1002359398
2019 The Estimation of Feed Solution Composition Influence on Concentration Polarization Layer Resistance during Reverse Osmosis Huliienko, S.V.; Protsiuk, O.O.; Gatilov, K.O.; Kaminskyi, V.S. Article 16095337 11663253
2019 Increased Wear Coatings due Intrastructural Self-Correction Babak, V.P.; Bilchuk, Ye.Yu.; Shchepetov, V.V. Article -1504764610 -1203880851