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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Adsorption of crystal violet on rice husk activated carbon Salahudeen, N.; Alhassan, A. Article -1383351386 291595426
2022 Rotor dynamics of turbocompressor based on the finite element analysis and parameter identification approach Verbovyi, Anton Yevhenovych; Khomenko, Vladyslav Volodymyrovych; Neamtu, C.; Pavlenko, V.; Symonovskyi, Vitalii Iovych; Pavlenko, Ivan Volodymyrovych Article 402567684 344114117
2022 Simulation of reverse osmosis process: Novel approaches and development trends Huliienko, S.V.; Korniyenko, Y.M.; Muzyka, S.M.; Holubka, K. Article 1116169919 2067860388
2022 Information-extreme machine learning of wrist prosthesis control system based on the sparse training matrix Suprunenko, Mykyta Kostiantynovych; Zborshchyk, Oleksandr Petrovych; Sokolov, O. Article 3167628 1528225
2022 Effect of phosphogypsum addition on methane yield in biogas and digestate properties during anaerobic digestion Chubur, Viktoriia Serhiivna; Chernysh, Yelyzaveta Yuriivna; Ferchau, E.; Zaffar, N. Article 1258422446 -2046145090
2022 Thermodynamic performance of boehmite alumina nanoparticle shapes in the counterflow double pipe heat exchanger Nogueira, E. Article -1854912035 -2008421954
2022 Digestate potential to substitute mineral fertilizers: Engineering approaches Ablieieva, Iryna Yuriivna; Geletukha, G.G.; Kucheruk, P.P.; Enrich-Prast, A.; Carraro, G.; Berezhna, Iryna Oleksiivna; Berezhnyi, Dmytrii Mykhailovych Article 176490894 -255195949
2022 Impact of the closed, semi-opened, and combined contra-rotating stages on volume loss characteristics Kulikov, Oleksandr Andriiovych; Ratushnyi, Oleksandr Valeriiovych; Moloshnyi, O.; Ivchenko, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Pavlenko, Ivan Volodymyrovych Article 243270366 325804433
2022 Ways for improvement of reverse axial pumps Mandryka, Anatolii Semenovych; Majid, A.P.; Ratushnyi, Oleksandr Valeriiovych; Kulikov, Oleksandr Andriiovych; Sukhostavets, Daria Ihorivna Article 364341455 157452988
2022 Machine learning approach for solar irradiance estimation on tilted surfaces in comparison with sky models prediction Mbah, O.M.; Madueke, C.I.; Umunakwe, R.; Okofor, C.O. Article 1508532769 477835934