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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Determination of chatter-free cutting mode in end milling Petrakov, Y.V.; Ohrimenko, O.A.; Sapon, S.P.; Sikailo, M.O.; Fedorynenko, D.Y. Article 46 127
2024 Effect of erosion on surface roughness and hydromechanical characteristics of abrasive-jet machining Baha, V.; Pitel, J.; Pavlenko, Ivan Volodymyrovych Article 158 280
2024 Kinematic characteristics of deformed porous structures Veselovska, N.; Sivak, R.; Paladiychuk, Y.; Bandura, V.; Telyatnik, I.; Bohatiuk, M.; Savkiv, V.; Edl, M. Article 15 13
2024 Induction motor vibrations caused by mechanical and magnetic rotor eccentricity Goroshko, A.V.; Zembytska, M.V.; Paiuk, V.P. Article 162404 231236
2024 Computational approach to geometric modeling of plow bodies Yablonskyi, P.; Rogovskii, I.; Sobczuk, H.; Virchenko, G.; Volokha, M.; Vorobiov, O. Article 262 263
2024 The influence of the design features of the submersible pump rotor on the vibration reliability Makivskyi, Oleksii Serhiiovych; Kondus, Vladyslav Yuriiovych; Pitel, J.; Sotnyk, Mykola Ivanovych; Andrusiak, Vladyslav Olehovych; Polkovnychenko, Vadym Valentynovych; Mushtai, Maksym Valeriiovych Article 26401 18065
2024 Utilization of plastic waste in reinforcing sandy soil for sustainable engineering applications Suthar, L.; Meena, S.; Kumar, U. Article 2352316 2607727
2024 Parameter estimation of the Weibull distribution in modeling the reliability of technical objects Frolov, M.; Tanchenko, S.; Ohluzdina, L. Article 717 383
2024 Optimization of cold spray nozzles based on the response surface methodology Kun, T.; Wenjie, H.; Yurong, W. Article 773 443
2024 Adsorptive removal of lead (II) pollutants from wastewater using corncob-activated carbon Aliyu, S.A.; Salahudeen, N.; Rasheed, A.A. Article 305 391