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Title Роль маркетингових досліджень в управлінні машинобудівними підприємствами
Other Titles Роль маркетинговых исследований в управлении машиностроительными предприятиями
The role of marketing researches in machine-building enterprise management
Authors Нянько, В.М.
Keywords система маркетингу
маркетингові дослідження
управління підприємством
маркетингова інформація
управлінські рішення
економічна ефективність
результативність маркетингових досліджень
система маркетинга
маркетинговые исследования
управление предприятием
маркетинговая информация
управленческие решения
экономическая эффективность
результативность маркетинговых исследований
marketing system
marketing researches
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Нянько, В.М. Роль маркетингових досліджень в управлінні машинобудівними підприємствами [Текст] / В.М. Нянько // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. - 2014. - № 1. - С. 232-243.
Abstract У статті узагальнено сутність системи маркетингу та місце маркетингових досліджень у цій системі, розглянуто поняття економічної ефективності та результативності маркетингових досліджень, запропоновано організаційні напрями удосконалення маркетингових досліджень у діяльності підприємств сільськогосподарського машинобудування, розкрито особливості проведення маркетингових досліджень у сучасних умовах управління підприємствами машинобудування, обґрунтовано роль маркетингових досліджень в управлінні машинобудівними підприємствами. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
В статье обобщены сущность системы маркетинга и место маркетинговых исследований в этой системе, рассмотрено понятие экономической эффективности и результативности маркетинговых исследований, предложены организационные направления совершенствования маркетинговых исследований в деятельности предприятий сельскохозяйственного машиностроения, раскрыты особенности проведения маркетинговых исследований в современных условиях управления предприятиями машиностроения, обоснована роль маркетинговых исследований в управлении машиностроительными предприятиями. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку
The aim of the article. The aim of the article is a synthesis of theoretical approaches to the nature of marketing system, development organizational directions of improvement of marketing researches at agricultural machine-building enterprise, disclosing specifics of marketing researches in modern conditions. The results of the analysis. Achievement of high results, inaccuracies and errors conditioned by removal at application of marketing researches process can be achieved by introducing to the process of the additional stage – estimations of accordance to the requirements. Marketing system is a complex, holistic system, and its primary component is marketing researches. They allow tracking changes in environmental factors and ensuring optimal establishing links between producers of goods and their consumers. Place of marketing researches in the marketing system of machine-building enterprises is determined by specific of products market segmentation (geographical principle, price principle, principle of psychographic, behavioral principle, principle of quality characteristics of products, principle of service), positioning of products and their technical and economic characteristics (productivity, reliability, longevity). A necessity for forming effectively operating complex of marketing researches is development of communication constituent, that consists in an exchange of collected information with the market of sale (by target audience), collaboration of machine-building enterprises with commodity producers in relation to study of demand, in the sphere of warranty and post-warranty maintenance of products; with research establishments; taking part in specialized exhibitions, further collaboration of producer with consumer. Database made on the basis of marketing researches will serve as basis for creation of the marketing informative system at the enterprises of machine-building. Further monitoring of market, and also marketing secret service and results of future marketing researches will allow constantly renewing data in the marketing informative system and developing such marketing asset, as «knowledge of market». Thus, in modern terms exactly information about clients is a basic intangible asset, the literate use of that allows the enterprise to be competitive. Having regard to importance of modern role and value of marketing researches the most actual is seemed the decision of problem realizations of such marketing researches, that would allow to avoid inexact estimations, high risks and unproductive expenses of labours and time. In modern market economy constantly requirements to adaptation possibilities of enterprises, thus it becomes ineffective cleanly mechanical collection of data and failure sequence of the stages of marketing researches process. However, today the cases of underestimation of separate stages of realization of marketing researches take place in home business. For example, realization of information retrieval is considered to be possible at once after formulation of research problem by manager. Probability of error and further ineffective administrative decisions will be in this case higher than for a managing subject which begins from research process which clearly defined dearly potential reasons of problem before beginning of research process. Conclusions and directions of futher researches. Thus, the increasing role of market researches at enterprise management is now linked to the objective trends of increased competition and liberalization of economic relations, increasing selectivity consumers. Development and application of specific marketing methods studies require differentiated approach that takes into account the operation of the business and the specificity of the market in which they operate. However, it must ensure increased focus and scientific validity of market researches. When you are citing the document, use the following link
Appears in Collections: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations)


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