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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Managing of transaction costs of agricultural enterprises in the context of raising the level of economic security of the company Odnoshevnaya, O.A. Article 1047780265 2030198278
2015 Creativity, creations and innovations in the management of small and medium-sized business Usheva, M. Article -1923226710 -199835210
2016 Efficiency of management of sustainable development – challenges, problems, barriers Zięba, K.; Olma, S. Article 1631161520 911057072
2015 Organizational and economical maintenance of eco-economical potential of oil and gas enterprises’ management Vytvytskyi, Ya.S.; Havadzyn, N.O.; Kernychna, A.Ie. Article -964702745 728168223
2014 Application of cyclically oriented forecasting: modern approaches to business management Kologryvov, Ya.I. Article 396806006 -562675954
2017 Improving of intellectual property marketing management in the agrarian sphere of region Мakhnusha, S.M. Article -27556991 -2143868979
2016 Management of financial sources for innovative development: foreign countries experience Dyba, O.M.; Gernego, Iu.O.; Golub, S.M. Article 1621717654 -389830807
2015 Identification of the causes of risks under the conditions of innovative development of oil and gas companies Khvostina, I.M.; Pisak, K.V. Article -966661590 -944512770
2015 Environmental-economic conflict: conceptual complexity and management issues Petrushenko, Mykola Mykolaiovych; Voroshylo, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article -1914048389 -1250862784
2015 Theoretical and practical aspects of managerial reporting Bryk, G.V. Article 977767952 962865571