Economic Processes Management (Управління економічними процесами) [179]

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 179
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Entrepreneurial environmental management model of marketing in a political-administrative system of Ukraine Sadchenko, O.V.; Nosachov, I.Yu. Article 34743528 46858918
2015 Environmental-economic conflict: conceptual complexity and management issues Petrushenko, Mykola Mykolaiovych; Voroshylo, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article -1914048389 -1250862784
2015 Evaluation of the effect of sector capital assets use efficiency on capital productivity ratio in Ukraine Ohdanskiy, K.M. Article -1181457088 879934138
2017 Evaluation of the level of social responsibility of the state in the field of employment Chernobay, L.I.; Malibroda, S.B.; Yasinska, T.V. Article -1228664367 167354484
2017 Evaluatuation of the competitiveness of the product offered by the dairy company Filipova, M.; Dimitrakaki, I. Article 365666943 380551628
2015 Evolutionary determinants of economic category «financial resources» Zelisko, I.M. Article 85337051 130632625
2017 Export and import activity of the wine industry: tendencies, current risks Bondarenko, S.A.; Nizyayeva, V.R. Article -556609248 659813729
2016 Factor analysis of processes of corporate culture formation at industrial enterprises of Ukraine Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Ovcharenko, Maksym Ivanovych; Ovcharenko, Svitlana Volodymyrivna; Ovcharenko, Svetlana Volodimirivna Article 1366651063 1424330128
2016 Factors that affect the evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate management innovation in an industrial plant Klus, Y.I. Article -50917456 -40136525
2015 Features of investment between Ukraine and Germany Pylypchuk, N.Yu. Article 1936534647 510263159
2017 Financial support of agricultural land in Ukraine Davydenko, N.M. Article -777103098 1474172545
2015 Foreign experience of regulating international trade transactions Klymenko, L.V. Article 134570337 105667058
2015 Formation components of socio-economic potential of the region Stoyanets, N.V. Article 309964375 -210126681
2016 General context of economic and legal reforms international comparative studies (example of innovation development) Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych Article 552822103 -1618269448
2015 General principles of application of the real options valuation in investment analysis Vytvytska, U.Ya. Article 44119652 49892117
2017 Genesis and typology of entrepreneurship and private business in Bulgaria after year 1989 Kalaydzhieva, V.P. Article 28125748 18715699
2015 Genesis of enterprise financial security Davydenko, N.M. Article 268407774 -715999825
2014 Global energy conflicts and sustaіnable development risks caused by the climate changes Karaieva, N.V. Article 1706763905 2059276884
2017 Governing ecological security of the global economic systems Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Kuchmiyov, A.V.; Shkola, Yu.O. Article 2088932772 1130594167
2015 Historical aspects and causes of the synergy beginning as a science Yakimtsov, V.V. Article -1372427732 -1739186770