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Title Морфогенез передміхурової залози щурів у віковому аспекті
Other Titles Morphogenesis of prostate gland of rats in age aspect
Authors Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych  
Shkroba, Artem Oleksandrovych
Keywords простата
prostate gland
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher Луганський державний медичний університет
Citation Романюк, А.М. Морфогенез передміхурової залози щурів у віковому аспекті [Текст] / А.М. Романюк, А.О. Шкрьоба // Український морфологічний альманах. – 2014. – Т. 12, №2. – С. 79-81.
Abstract Наукова робота присвячена вивченню особливостей структурно-функціональної організації інтактної передміхурової залози щурів різного віку. Дослідження було проведено на безпородних щурах-самцях трьох вікових груп: статевонезрілих, статевозрілих та старечих. В результаті дослідження виявлено, що в процесі онтогенезу відбуваються виражені зміни біометрії, морфології, функціональної та секреторної активності передміхурової залози щурів
The demographic situation in Ukraine is characterized by a decrease of the birth rate and growth of the elderly population. Diseases of the prostate gland are the most common pathology of the male urogenital system which is associated with ageing. In spite of the large number of researches related to the study of the morphology and physiology of the prostate gland, the fundamental studies of morphological changes of the prostate gland during ontogenesis which would fully describe structural and functional changes in the tissues of gland that occur during puberty, maturity and aging were not carried out. The object of this research was to study the structural and functional organization of intact prostate gland of rats of different ages. The study was carried out on outbred male rats of three age groups: immature, mature and senile. The prostate gland of rats is an exocrine gland structured around the urethra and it has partial organization unlike human prostate. The prostate gland of rats consists of three parts. These particles are distributed on ventral, dorsal and lateral in relation to the proximal urethra. Each particle consists of a complex system of ducts proximal connect with urethra and distal end in secretory acini. Individual particles of rats prostate is not completely cover the urethra. As a result of this study it was found that prostate gland of immature rats has branched alveolar-tubular structure. Several acini and excretory ducts of the prostate gland are at the different stages of formation, gland component dominates over the stromal one. In the lumens of acini the presence of secretions can be observed. Prostate stroma of immature rats mainly consists of loose connective tissue and it is riddled with some bundles of smooth muscle fibers. During the puberty an increase of linearly weighting parameters of the prostate gland occur. Prostate gland of mature rats is characterized by the presence of developed acinar structures which are evenly distributed by connective tissue and muscular components of the stroma and by high secretion activity. Epithelial cells of the prostate gland of mature rats are bespread with acini and their morphology varies with the particle. Acini of ventral particles have strongly altered structure especially in peripheral zone and have less size of dorsolateralnyh acini. The secret of the lumen acini is pale and eosinophilic. Epithelial cells lining the ventral acinus have basophilic cytoplasm and predominantly columnar shape rarely between them may be cubical cells with basal nuclei. Between the basal membrane and columnar cells observed uneven layer of basal cells. Basal cells have cubic or flattened shape and ovoid nuclei. Lateral acini are larger then ventral and have winding form. Acinar secretion is painted with eosin intensely. Epithelial cells are cubic or columnar shape with nuclei that are located in the center of the cell. Excretory duct of rats prostate have winding shape and it wall consists of fibermuscle stroma and it formed by connective tissue and several layers of smooth muscle fibers. The walls of the ducts are surrounded by numerous oblong cells. It is mostly smooth muscle cells, they form miofilamenty. In mature rat prostate smooth muscle fibers forming couplers and directly surrounding the excretory ducts acini. In prostate of elderly rats are expressed dystrophic and atrophic changes. Secretory part of prostate lined flattened cubic or columnar epithelium. In some glands it is completely atrophic. The lumen of glands is filled with acidophilic secret. In some parts of the gland is detected severe desquamation of the epithelium glands expanded and fulfilled desquamation epithelial cells. In atrophied glands are absent epithelial folds and hillocks. There are a significant growths of muscle and connective tissue elements in the gland. In the stroma found lymphoid cell infiltrates. Capillary walls near the gland is thinned their diameter is significantly reduced. In some cases gland constructed by hypo plastic type have a look of branch tubules and covered with low cubical epithelium that stained intensely. Gland surrounded by layers of connective tissue with atrophy smooth muscle. The study found that during ontogenesis changes the structural and functional organization of rats prostate. Immature rat prostate has some level of functional activity and can produce a secret. Mature rats prostate have developed acinar structures with uniformly distributed connective tissue and muscular components of the stroma and high secretory activity. In elderly rats prostate are expressed dystrophic and atrophic changes. Ontogenesis of the prostate characterized by changes in morphology and biometry of parenchymal and stromal elements of the gland.
Appears in Collections: Наукові видання (НН МІ)


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