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Title Ефект від стимулювання продажів: основні поняття та терміни
Other Titles Эффект от стимулирования продаж: основные понятия и термины
Sales promotion effect: concepts and terminology
Authors Юсупова, О.В.
Keywords стимулювання продажів
стимулювання збуту
економічний ефект
декомпозиція ефекту
види попиту
стимулирование продаж
стимулирование сбыта
экономический эффект
декомпозиция эффекта
виды спроса
sales promotion
economic effect
decomposition of effect
types of demand
Type Article
Date of Issue 2015
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Юсупова, О.В. Ефект від стимулювання продажів: основні поняття та терміни [Текст] / О.В. Юсупова // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 88-96.
Abstract У статті наведений перелік основних термінів, що використовуються під час дослідження декомпозиції ефекту від стимулювання продажів товарів у наукових працях зарубіжних вчених, запропоновані та обґрунтовані їх україномовні аналоги, надані визначення. Детально розглянуті терміни «суцільний попит» та «вибірний попит», їх взаємозв’язок та особливості вживання.
В статье приведен перечень основных понятий и терминов, используемых при исследовании декомпозиции эффекта от стимулирования продаж в научных трудах зарубежных ученых, предложены и обоснованы их украиноязычные аналоги, приведены определения. Подробно рассмотрены термины «сплошной спрос» и «выборочный спрос», их связь и особенности употребления.
Sales promotion is a significant part of firm’s marketing activity, especially in the modern state of Ukrainian economy, when prices are growing fast and consumers are becoming more sensitive to the price changes. But firms are becoming more careful about their expenses too. So now it’s exceptionally important for firms to evaluate properly effect of the sales promotion. Nowadays not only total effect of sales promotions is the subject of scientists’ and firms’ interest but factors that contribute to it. Decomposition of sales promotion effect allows us to understand which factor is responsible for sales enhancing and what to expect in future periods. World economists are already developing the issue of decomposition of sales promotion effect. Started by S. Gupta topic is being discussed for more than 20 years. Despite of that, Ukrainian scientific literature remains silent about decomposition of sales promotion effect. There are no strict terms in scientific Ukrainian language for labeling certain basic concepts that are used in articles of foreign colleges. The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to form such terminology in order to bring broad discussion of decomposition of sales promotion effect into both Ukrainian science and practice. Following terms were considered in the paper: primary demand, secondary demand, purchase incidence, purchase quantity, cross-period effect, category-expansion effect, brand switching, store switching and category switching. The results of the analysis show that strict translation into Ukrainian is not always a good choice because of several reasons. There was discovered that some terms are already used in Ukrainian literature in different meaning. For instance, term «secondary demand» is already used in Ukrainian literature for describing demand for a product that depends on demand for other product. The same problem occurs when translating term «category-expansion effect» in Ukrainian as «category-expansion» which means firm’s activities aimed to bring to the market new product using already known brand. Other terms, although don’t seem to have different meaning in Ukrainian, can’t be translated easily without using complex phrases that are difficult to use. As the conclusion we can claim that because of the reasons mentioned above, Ukrainian scientific language requires its own terminology for discussing decomposition of sales promotion. Such terminology was proposed in the paper.
Appears in Collections: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations)


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