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Title Зміст історичного краєзнавства у навчальних програмах для загальноосвітніх шкіл України (1958-1991 рр.)
Other Titles Contents of historic country study in educational programs for secondary schools in Ukraine (1958-1991 years)
Содержание исторического краеведения в учебных программах для общеобразовательных школ Украины (1958-1991 гг.)
Authors Бугрій, В.С.
Keywords історичне краєзнавство
историческое краеведение
historic country study
загальноосвітня школа
общеобразовательная школа
secondary sckool
зміст освіти
содержание образования
content of education
навчальні програми
учебные программы
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Бугрій, В.С. Зміст історичного краєзнавства у навчальних програмах для загальноосвітніх шкіл України (1958-1991 рр.) [Текст] / В.С. Бугрій // Сумська старовина. — 2014. — № XLV. — С. 92-98.
Abstract У статті проаналізовано зміст краєзнавства у навчальних програмах з історії загальноосвітніх шкіл України у 1958-1991 рр. Встановлено, що програми орієнтували учителів на вивчення історії рідного краю як у навчальній, так і у позаурочній роботі. Протягом досліджуваного періоду була остаточно сформована модель структурування змісту краєзнавчого матеріалу. Він, з одного боку, доповнював знання основ історичної науки, а з іншого, - став самостійною змістовою одиницею цієї галузі знань.
В статье проанализировано содержание краеведения в учебных программах по истории общеобразовательных школ Украины в 1958-1991 гг. Установлено, что программы ориентировали учителей на изучение истории родного края как в учебной, так и во внеурочной работе. В течение исследуемого периода была окончательно сформирована модель содержания краеведческого материала. Он, с одной стороны, дополнял знание основ исторической науки, а с другой, - стал самостоятельной смысловой единицей этой области знаний.
The article analyzes the contents of historic country study in the History curriculum of secondary schools of Ukraine in 1958-1991's. It determines that till the mid 60's there were no particular country study topics and classes in school curricula on History. At the same time, it was planned to study the material, which presented some particular regions of Ukraine and it was very important for the history of the whole USSR. The historic material increase in some regions was connected with the inclusion of questions on History of Ukrainian SSR in the curriculum of 7-8 forms. The curriculum paid attention to the need of complete usage of regional history in the academic, educational and extra-curricular activities of students. The material about native lands had to stimulate the ideas of continuous progressive development of Soviet society. In the mid 60's there have been substantial changes in the contents of the Historic study in schools. They were provoked by the new teaching programs focused on full reflection of the science, technology and culture inventions. The theme "Our Land" appeared in school History curriculum for the first time. The themes were grouped according to the chronological-topical principal. In the 7-10th grades 12 separate lessons of regionаl History were taught. Introduction of the lessons "Our Land" proves the recognition of the special cognitive and educational role of a component of historical science - regional history. This allowed the students to form a coherent system of ideas about the historical development of the region. The country study as a piece of historical event maintained in the history curriculum. Obviously, the country study in the curricula of history was represented by independent topics "Our Land" and learning events of local character that have general historical significance and were dispersed in different topics of historical courses. Practically, the position of country studies in the curriculum of history did not change until the late 80's. With the introduction of 11-year study course the number of classes "Our Land" in 8-11 grades really increased. The same happened with the course "Episodic narrations about the history of the USSR" (Grade 5). To differentiate learning in the second half of the 60's optional subjects were introduced. The optional courses content are divided into those that were aimed at studying only the immediate environment, and those in which country study component acted out as didactic material. With the introduction of optional courses country study was presented not only at the macro level - in national curriculums, but also at the micro level - the optional courses at each school. Thanks to the introduction of topics on the history of country study to the school curriculums of national history, the appearance of regional studies optionals there was a significant expansion of training facilities in historic study within the entire Ukraine. During the 60-80s the structuring model and contents were finally in the curricula. On the one hand, they completed the basic knowledge of history, on the other hand, they became an independent unit of this sphere of knowledge.
Appears in Collections: Сумська старовина


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