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Title Докторський диспут А.В. Флоровського: спроба реконструкції біографії
Other Titles Докторский диспут А.В. Флоровского: попытка реконструкции биографии
Dispute doctoral of A. V. Florovsky: attempt of reconstruction of the biography
Authors Мирончук, А.С.
Keywords біографія
докторський диспут
докторский диспут
dispute doctoral
магістерська дисертація
магистерская диссертация
master's thesis
Законодавча комісія 1767 р.
Законодательная комиссия 1767 г.
Legislative Commission of 1767
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Мирончук, А.С. Докторський диспут А.В. Флоровського: спроба реконструкції біографії [Текст] / А.С. Мирончук // Сумська старовина. — 2014. — № XLV. — С. 99-104.
Abstract У статті здійснена спроба реконструкції біографії професора Новоросійського університету А.В. Флоровського на основі маловідомих даних про захист ним магістерської дисертації.
В статье предпринята попытка реконструкции биографии профессора Новороссийского университета А.В. Флоровского на основе малоизвестных данных о защите им магистерской диссертации.
Recently, in modern historiography there is increasing of researcher’s attention to issues of social history and spiritual aspects of society and, at the same time, to historical sources of personal origin. We can say that the creative heritage of Antonii Florovsky (1884 – 1968) is reflected in the literature. As for the historian’s biography, despite a number of biographical researches it hasn’t covered in full. And therefore it is actual to involve in scientific use little-known facts about A. Florovsky which will clarify and supplement the historiography information. In this article an attempt of reconstruction of the biography of Professor of Novorosiysk University A. V. Florovsky based on little-known information about protecting his master’s thesis was made. Antonii Florovsky declared himself as a historian first of all by his works on the history of the Legislative Commission of 1767. To obtain a master’s degree in Russian history at Moscow University, he presented his work “The composition of the legislative commission of 1767 – 1774”, performed under the supervision of Professor I. Lynnychenko and which was a logical continuation of previous researches. Some questions on the Legislative Commission were investigated in this work in a new way and involving a huge number of unpublished archival materials. A. Florovsky first introduced the organization of the Commission as a quite serious political act, which had not equalled the hopes of hope power. At that time it was a significant research innovation. Very interesting information on A. Florovsky master’s thesis defense are in diary of historian Mykchailo Bogoslovsky (1867 – 1929) – Professor of Moscow University, from 1921 Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who together with his colleague and friend Professor of History and Philology of Moscow University Yuri Gauthier was an official reviewer of master’s work of A. Florovsky. For example of doctoral dissertation we can observe the way how the Legislative commission becomes one of the main topics of scientific creations of A. Florovsky. A diary of Mykchailo Bogoslovsky allows to trace the role of M. Bogoslovsky in the development of the future historian and reveals a little known page biography of A. Florovsky. The relationship of thesis respondent and his opponent we can trace not only infrastructure but also personal contacts between Ukrainian historians and academicians of St. Petersburg (Russian) Academy of Sciences in the early decades of the twentieth century. The personal factor was paramount in the relations between M. Bogoslovsky and A. Florovsky. Usually M. Bogoslovsky notes are laconic, but very informative. The diary M. Bogoslovsky demonstrates his ability to rejoice achievements of other people, joining of talented young people to scientific environment. Quite so it was towards A. Florovsky. The notes of M. Bogoslovsky taken during 1915 – 1916 indicated his serious and responsible attitude to the opposing thesis. Indicative in this respect is the M. Bogoslovsky positive attitude to A. Florovsky, despite the fact that the latter was a student of I. Lynnychenko, wereof M. Bogoslovsky has not too high opinion. Master’s thesis of A. Florovsky get a good review of the second opponent - Prof. Yu. Gauthier. In 1916 master’s thesis of A. Florovsky “Structure of Legislative commision 1767 –1774” was awarded Uvarov Prize of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Many famous and respected historians were the winners of this Prize. Not all aspects of the biography of A. Florovsky are reflected in the above mentioned facts, but we can surely say about the prospects of further information sources search and materials about the life and creative work of one of the brightest representatives of national historical science.
Appears in Collections: Сумська старовина


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