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Title | Радянська революційна мемуаристика 1940-80-х рр. в системі історичної науки та агітаційно-пропагандистської політики СРСР-УРСР |
Other Titles |
Soviet revolutionary memoirs 1940-80's in the system of historical science and agitation- propagandist politics of the USSR, and the Ukrainian SSR Советская революционная мемуаристика 1940-80-х гг. в системе исторической науки и агитационно-пропагандистской политики СССР-УССР |
Authors |
Звілінський, С.О.
Keywords |
революційна мемуаристика наративи громадянська війна спогади партархіви пропаганда революционная мемуаристика наративы гражданская война воспоминания партархивы пропаганда revolutionary memoirs narratives civil war reminiscence party archive propaganda |
Type | Article |
Date of Issue | 2015 |
URI | |
Publisher | Сумський державний університет |
License | Copyright not evaluated |
Citation | Звілінський, С.О. Радянська революційна мемуаристика 1940-80-х рр. в системі історичної науки та агітаційно-пропагандистської політики СРСР-УРСР [Текст] / С.О. Звілінський // Сумська старовина. - 2015. - № ХLVІI. - С. 23-40. |
Abstract |
В статті аналізується не ретроспективна, а синхронна інформація,
що закладена в революційній мемуаристиці радянської доби 1940-80-х рр.
Висвітлюється призначення, процеси продукування та популяризації даного
виду джерел. Розкривається твердження, що подібні тексти були в більшості
своїй продуктом радянської пропаганди та агітації, аніж самодостатнім
наративним джерелом. В статье анализируется не ретроспективная, а синхронная информация, которая заложена в революционной мемуаристике советского периода 1940-80-х гг. Рассматривается назначение, процессы продуцирования и популяризации данного вида источников. Раскрывается утверждение, что подобные тексты были в большей степени продуктом советской пропаганды и агитации, нежели полноценным наративным источником. In the article is analyzed synchronous information which contained in the revolutionary memoirs of soviet time 1940-80th. Also settings, processes of production and popularization of this type of sources are described in the article. Disclosed the statement, that these similar texts were in most cases the product of soviet propaganda and agitation, but not true narrative source. In this article the main attention is focused on the minor information is embedded in the Soviet memoirs of the history of the Civil War 1917-22 in Ukraine. They are seen as a product of the era, it turns out their purpose and role in the advocacy policy of the Soviet authorities, but traces conditions and peculiarities of their appearance. The official rate of the process of writing his memoirs at his appointed time asking profound publication devoted to the October Revolution and the Civil War coming out with some regularity large circulations. They laid all the conceptual aspects, and the official interpretation of certain events appointed period. Among of them publications “The history of civil war in the USSR” which consist of 5 volumes and which came out in 1930-60 also “Civil War in Ukraine (1918-1920)” in 3 volumes which was prepared for the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. The process of collecting, writing and popularizing memories recruited especially important on the eve of the commemoration of revolutionary anniversaries. On the largest scale natural celebrated round dates, 40th and 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. Collecting memories at this time engaged as party and state archives, regional museums, some universities, historians and editors sometimes local periodicals. Led the process of collecting the memories of participants and promote the events of 1917-22 Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, which was virtually a monopoly highlight key points in the image of heroes and forgetting the socalled “enemies”. A separate line of propaganda activities of the Institute of Party History and its branches take memories of Vladimir Lenin. This process became much rise during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution and the 100 anniversary of his birth. It was at this time beginning to appear in the future well-known on the territory of the Soviet Union memories of the “leader of the proletariat”. Special pride for people who wrote the memoirs was a direct presence in his speeches. Almost continuously, the collection of memories about the events of the revolutionary period, took place at the local level, and generally can be inscribed in the context of Soviet regional studies. There is no doubt that one of the main features of a totalitarian state is a continuous control consciousness of its inhabitants. It is one of the tools such control was formalized memory of the Civil War that was relayed through the living voice of its members. Given the importance of the event itself, its image and values were to be sacral for society. So the memories of participants, during the period of the Soviet history of Ukraine, became an instrument of propaganda and agitation, served as a convenient source of confirmation the official concept of the historiography. |
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