Правові горизонти / Legal horizons [552]

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 552
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 On Some Issues Concerning Section 4.5. “Crimes Against Human Will and Dignity” of the Draft Criminal Code of Ukraine Politova, A.S.; Akimov, M.O. Article 15359337 9522096
2021 On Some Issues Concerning Section 4.5. “Crimes Against Human Will and Dignity” of the Draft Criminal Code of Ukraine Politova, A.S.; Akimov, M.O. Article -1442812692 -870764969
2022 On the issue of determining the subjective composition of environmental constitutionalism Potapchuk, H. Article 32226 23154
2022 Peculiarities of marine environment protection in armed conflicts according to the San Remo Manual on International Law Pereverzyeva, O. Article 3535 3590
2020 Priority directions and ways for implementation of ukraine's humanitarian policy systems Pakhomov, Volodymyr Vasylovych; Karikh, Ihor Volodymyrovych Article 19736587 12346723
2016 Problems and prospects of the financial system of Ukraine Korzhova, V.E. Article -1252537942 -399219885
2022 Problems of qualification of complicity in criminal offenses with a special subject Osadcha, A.; Kharytonov, S. Article 2334 4673
2020 Protection of employees' labor rights during the quarantine Kyselova, Olena Ivanivna; Kordunian, I. Article 28743566 10664083
2021 Reform of Public Power in the Slovak Republic: Achievements and Prospects Stohova, Olha Volodymyrivna; Пасек, І.; Ковач, Д. Article 469687551 386416749
2021 Social Basis of State Power in the Conditions of a Latin American-Type State Sukhonos, Volodymyr Viktorovych; Кейн, С.; Вілкінсон, Г. Article -67769729 1537153142
2017 Some peculiarities of the tasks and functions of the National guard of Ukraine in the course of the emergency situation Berestok, Bohdan Petrovych Article 1220552413 -1495799810
2022 The state of scientific development of the problem of abuse of civil procedural rights Kuzmenko, K. Article 2907 2837
2022 The state of scientific development of the problem of human rights communication of the victim in criminal proceedings in Ukraine Rakipova, I.; Zahorodnii, I.; Pidgorodynska, A.; Chernomorchenko, K.; Chipko, N. Article 3494 4136
2018 Structure of the public financial control mechanism in Ukraine Myrhorod-Karpova, Valeriia Valeriivna Article -2026522369 1682499886
2022 The system of supervision and control over labor protection in the EU Dei, M. Article 4919 7211
2021 Teleological Statism in State Building: Doctrinal, Constitutional, and Historical Analysis Sukhonos, Volodymyr Viktorovych; Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Стоянов, С. Article 551074800 167353991
2020 The use of purified waste water for agricultural irrigation De Palma, L. Article 9208055 18608595
2022 Ways to improve the legal regulation of defense procurement in Ukraine Ocheretnyi, M. Article 43892 79859
2018 Аgent provocateur: провокація злочину чи законна правоохоронна діяльність? Каменський, Д.В. Article -934121802 -638882333
2019 Адміністративна правосуб’єктність юридичних осіб приватного права як статусна складова механізму правового регулювання: характеристика елементів Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych Article 6689548 2595681