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Title Великобританія в міжнародній інформаційній антиіракській кампанії США, 2002-2006 рр.
Other Titles Великобритания в международной информационной антииракской кампании США, 2002-2006 гг.
The United Kingdom in international anti-iraq information campaign of the USA, 2002-2006
Authors Гончаренко, А.В.
Keywords Великобританія
Т. Блер
Дж. Буш-молодший
інформаційна кампанія
Т. Блэр
Дж. Буш-младший
информационная кампания
the UK
the USA
Tony Blair
George Bush
the information campaign
Type Article
Date of Issue 2016
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Гончаренко, А.В. Великобританія в міжнародній інформаційній антиіракській кампанії США, 2002-2006 рр. [Текст] / А.В. Гончаренко // Сумська старовина. - 2016. - № XLІХ. - С. 59-70.
Abstract В статті досліджено роль Великобританії в міжнародній інформаційній антиіракській кампанії США у 2002-2006 рр. Охарактеризовані причини підтримки Лондоном військових дій в Іраку. Висвітлено зовнішньополітичні наслідки для Великобританії спільних з США антиіракських інформаційних заходів. З’ясовано роль британського прем’єр-міністра Т. Блера у популяризації ідеї військового вторгнення сил міжнародної коаліції в Ірак. Окреслено вплив антиіракської кампанії на міжнародні відносини.
В статье исследована роль Великобритании в международной информационной антииракской кампании США в 2002-2006 гг. Охарактеризованы причины поддержки Лондоном военных действий в Ираке. Освещены внешнеполитические последствия для Великобритании совместных с США антииракских информационных мероприятий. Выяснена роль британского премьер-министра Т. Блэра в популяризации идеи военного вторжения сил международной коалиции в Ираке. Определено влияние антииракской кампании на международные отношения.
The article investigates the UK’s role in international information anti-Iraq campaign of the USA in 2002-2006. It is described the reasons for the support by London of military actions in Iraq. It is revealed the foreign policy consequences for the UK in cooperation with the US anti-Iraq information activities. It is clarified the role of British Prime Minister Tony Blair in promotion of the military invasion of the international coalition forces in Iraq. It is outlined the impact of the anti-Iraq campaign on the international relations. British Prime Minister Tony Blair in April 2002 agreed to the participation of his country in a future war. In September, he released data showing that Iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes, and stated that Iraq has a growing arsenal of chemical and biological weapons and intends to use them, and also develops nuclear weapons. In January 2003 the British government announced new intelligence information that Iraq continued to manufacture chemical and biological weapons, has developed plans for its use, was trying to purchase in Africa uranium, and worked for developing missiles capable of reaching the territory of Greece, Turkey, Israel and other states. By the events of 2002-2003 policy of Great Britain led to the weakening of important international structures on which was based her foreign status. Washington’s actions in reducing the values of the United Nations has hit not only by the organization as a whole, but also on the positions of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, one of which is Great Britain. During the preparation and conduct of the United Kingdom and the United States military action against Iraq one of the key roles played its careful and timely information and psychological support. One of the main goals of the operation was the implementation of the concept of information warfare and psychological operations at the strategic and tactical levels. These events were comprehensively involved in formal advocacy structures, the media in the UK and the USA. The main objects of information and psychological influence was global public opinion, own, also military-political leadership, the armed forces and population of Iraq. In early 2003 Tony Blair during a trip the European countries campaigned for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, claiming that Iraqi regime is likely in possession of weapons of mass destruction. In March, Tony Blair, George Bush and the Prime Minister of Spain Jose Maria Aznar urged the international community to support military action against Iraq. March 19, 2003 the UK sent to participate in the USA-led coalition, assembled for the invasion to Iraq, 45 thousand soldiers. The formal reason for the war was the information the CIA about the presence in Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, is not subsequently found confirmation, but some analysts believe that the purpose of military operations was to establish US control over the oil fields of Iraq. April 1, 2003: Tony Blair ordered the launch of a campaign to counter the negative coverage of the war in Iraq in the Arab media. In an interview with the Arab newspaper he was trying to convey that the purpose of military action is to liberate, not conquer Iraq. In March 2005 the British Prime Minister spoke to reporters with the reasoning of its decision about participation in the Iraq campaign. In his opinion, fighting the terrorism requires a war of “values and ideas” and the development of democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq is the best argument against anti-American and anti-Western propaganda of the terrorists. In 2006 the subject of Iraq remained one of the most acute in the UK. T. Blair strongly defended his Iraq policy and stressed the importance of partnership with the United States. In March, he argued that if the circumstances were the same as in 2003, he again would have taken the decision to start the war.
Appears in Collections: Сумська старовина


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