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Title | Державний та господарський механізми як історичні складові виникнення соціально-економічних процесів |
Other Titles |
The state and the economic mechanism as a historical occurrence components of socio-economic processes |
Authors |
Кузьменко, С.Г.
Keywords |
державні механізми господарські механізми ринкова економіка соціальний захист історичні складові соціально-економічні процеси state mechanisms economic mechanisms market economy social protection historic components socio-economic processes |
Type | Article |
Date of Issue | 2015 |
URI | |
Publisher | Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України |
License | Copyright not evaluated |
Citation | Кузьменко С. Г. Державний та господарський механізми як історичні складові виникнення соціально-економічних процесів / С. Г. Кузьменко // Проблеми правознавства та правоохоронної діяльності. - 2015. - № 2 (55). - С. 48-58. |
Abstract |
В статті проведено правовий аналіз державних та господарських механізмів як історичних складових виникнення соціально-економічних процесів. Визначено місце і роль державного та господарського механізмів в економіці України. Сучасна економічна думка незалежно від її конкретного теоретичного спрямування визнає відповідальність держави за стан розвитку економіки, а, отже, і її право впливати на економічне життя. Тому, вважаємо, що історичні відмінності в поглядах стосуються лише ступеня та методів реалізації такого впливу. The history of state regulation of economic and social development of the industrial civilization of the century confirms that the observed cycles as large and medium and small. Which was most clearly pronounced visual and qualitative aspects of social change. A change of paradigms, ideology and social development model. A concrete expression of the cyclical development of industrial civilization for 200 years is alternating in a cyclic process trends to strengthen the role of market regulators socio-economic life (the tendency to increase economic efficiency as an end in itself) and the trend of rising significance of state regulators socio-economic processes (trend towards social justice, social equality ). The article is to conduct a legal analysis of the state and economic mechanisms as historical origin of the components of socio-economic processes. We know that the market assumes economic independence producer and consumer freedom of choice - it creates an objective basis for the formation of civil society and the rule of law. In conditions of civilized, socially directed market clearly caught relations based on social privileges, protectionism and factors caste character. From a legal point of view market value lies in its efficient management mechanism, based on free prices and competition, to create incentives for employment and entrepreneurial activity based not on coercion but on material interest. Fundamental principles of social protection in a free market economy is the principle of personal protection against the risk of life by earning money for their own welfare and the welfare of his family, individual care of itself. Here, priority was given to the initiative, independence and activity of every able-bodied member of society. Average income carried out during manufacture in accordance with marginal productivity of each factor - labor, capital and land. There was a direct correlation between the distribution and consumption of manufactured product and labor contribution. The article legal analysis of state and economic structures as historic components of the emergence of socio-economic processes. The place and role of state and economic mechanisms in the economy of Ukraine. Modern economic thought, regardless of its particular theoretical orientation recognizes the State's responsibility for the state of the economy and, consequently, its right to influence economic life. Therefore, we believe that the historical differences of opinion relate only to the extent and methods of implementation of such influence. Today Ukrainian scientists recognize that the implementation of the impact on the economy of the state has to develop its own economic policy, which must include both state and economic mechanisms of regulation. What will ensure a certain level of growth, maximum employment, control inflation and other instruments, but of course that they can only be achieved through the use of state economic controls and socio-economic processes. |
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